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Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection

An interesting but scattered view of one of the world’s major curable diseases. Recommended for public and consumer health library collections.

Chair Pilates and Yoga: Seated Exercises To Improve Strength, Flexibility, Balance and Posture

A well-illustrated, clearly written overview of why, when, and how to incorporate chair-based yoga and Pilates practices into one’s lifestyle, primarily intended for older adults but valuable for any fitness seeker looking to stretch their body and boundaries without struggle.

Eat Your Age: Feel Younger, Be Happier, Live Longer

Like many works on longevity, Smith’s leans heavily into how lifestyle contributes to aging. The actionable steps for incorporating practices into daily life may empower readers to have more nuanced conversations with their doctors about how to embrace health and strength while aging.

Invisible Labor: The Untold Story of the Cesarean Section

A wonderful look into an often-overlooked experience.

Abundantly Well: Bible-Based Wisdom for Weight Loss, Increased Energy, and Vibrant Health

This book by an author with solid credentials invites readers to pray, eat unprocessed foods, exercise mindfully, and incorporate self-care into their routines. Readers may disagree with some of Nugent’s assertions, but overall, the advice is sensible.

A Guide to Medical Cannabis: Your Roadmap to Understanding and Using Cannabis and CBD for Health

This brief volume containing up-to-date, objective information about medical cannabis is an excellent addition to collections.

Herding Immunity: The Startling History of Life Before and After Vaccines

A fit for parenting collections in communities where vaccine arguments are front and center.

Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants Is Good for Our Health

Readers don’t have to know anything about plants or have a green thumb to enjoy this title about nature therapy and the impact it can have on one’s health. City planners and public health policy makers can benefit from reading this book as well.

The Cure for Women: Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi and the Challenge to Victorian Medicine That Changed Women’s Lives Forever

This is a fascinating account of women’s rights issues that has continuing relevance today.
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