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The Wrongs and Rights Come Apart

Not an easy read but a pertinent one on an important, thorny topic about untidy laws and opposing theories of rights, wrongs, and morality.

Justice Abandoned: How the Supreme Court Ignored the Constitution and Enabled Mass Incarceration

An intelligent, essential compendium that creates a 360-degree view of the United States’ crisis of mass incarceration.

The Origins of Critical Race Theory: The People and Ideas That Created a Movement

This absorbing narrative with textbook clarity is a must for readers interested in the facts of CRT and how it understands the U.S. legal and political systems’ impact on systemic racial inequality. Highly recommended.


The White Mile Trial: A River Rafting Tragedy and the Courtroom Justice That Followed

Kuhne describes the harrowing experience of the rafters in painstaking detail, using the trial transcripts as a primary source. This book grippingly exposes the disastrous events that played out on the rafting trip, while delivering a sobering mediation on accountability and survival and raising haunting questions.


The Worst Trickster Story Ever Told: Native America, the Supreme Court, and the U.S. Constitution

Blending serious scholarship with a chatty and lively narrative style, this introduction to plenary power within the context of relations between the U.S. and Indigenous peoples will intrigue law students, advocates, and general readers.

Scout Camp: Sex, Death, and Secret Societies Inside the Boy Scouts of America

The lack of books on the Boy Scouts largest summer camp makes this deeply personal, captivating, and accessible title an essential addition to true crime collections.

Policing White Supremacy: The Enemy Within

Highly recommended for readers concerned about public policy issues. Pair with Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, whosesixth lesson is especially relevant to German’s work.

The Devil’s Drug: The Global Emergence of Crystal Meth

Voeten’s meticulous research has made for easily the most comprehensive work ever done on this subject. A must for collections, this highly recommended book expertly describes and shows with evidence-based research and powerful accounts the terrifying reality of this global issue.

When the Night Comes Falling: A Requiem for the Idaho Student Murders

This audio will appeal to listeners seeking a tense true crime about the Idaho student killings and several related cases. Recommended for fans of Shawn Cohen’s College Girl, Missing and other contemporary crime nonfiction.
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