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The Wrongs and Rights Come Apart

Not an easy read but a pertinent one on an important, thorny topic about untidy laws and opposing theories of rights, wrongs, and morality.

Name and Image: An Essay on Walter Benjamin

This title expands discussions and scholarship on Benjamin and will be a wonderful addition to philosophy collections supporting research into Walter Benjamin, Italian philosophy, or the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. It’s a remarkable primary source.

Hungry Beautiful Animals: The Joyful Case for Going Vegan

This title expertly shows that breaking bread together can be a joyful experience without the roast. It is a well-written addition to the literature of food ethics.

What Is Stoicism?: A Brief and Accessible Overview

This concise, accessible work focuses solely on Stoicism, not other theories or philosophies, but it can easily be read in one sitting. It makes Stoicism understandable, corrects stereotypes, and rescues it from social media banalities.

The Road to Wisdom: On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust

A thoughtful, motivational guide that gives readers the tools to partner with others to resolve some of the biggest societal problems. It movingly and effectively shows readers that no matter how badly they have failed, they can get back up, dust themselves off, and try again.

The Need for Roots

Perennially debated, puzzled over, critiqued, and lauded, Weil’s impassioned contribution to the philosophy of human flourishing gathers resonance in a polarized world out of balance. Essential.

Failures of Forgiveness: What We Get Wrong and How To Do Better

Best for academic and public libraries where psychological or philosophical works are popular. This will attract readers eager to delve into forgiveness in its many forms.

The Right To Be Lazy: And Other Writings

A sly, irreverent sibling to The Communist Manifesto, LaFargue’s argument against our willing servitude to what we’d now call hustle culture and growth-at-all-costs is as trenchant and necessary as the day it was written, if not more so.

Perjury and Pardon: Vol. 1

Full of advanced-level philosophical content, this volume is for strong humanities and philosophy collections only.
26 articles

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