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2024 Stars So Far | Social Sciences


The Untold Story of Books: A Writer’s History of Publishing

Immensely readable; will appeal to bibliophiles, fans of microhistories, and armchair sociologists.

Language City: The Fight To Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York

An in-depth, fascinating analysis of endangered languages and efforts to preserve them in New York City. Give to readers who enjoyed John McWhorter’s Words on the Move.

The United States of English: The American Language from Colonial Times to the Twenty-First Century

Ostler’s linguistic history is enlightening and fun, and Lewis’s smooth tone is a delight to hear. Sure to be a favorite among logophiles, this is a great recommendation for those who enjoyed E.J. White’s You Talkin’ to Me?? or Henry Hitchings’s The Secret Life of Words.

Says Who?: A Kinder, Funner Usage Guide for Everyone Who Cares About Words

Highly recommended for all writers and speakers of English who want to understand why the language works the way it does.

Supercommunicators: How To Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

A how-to-guide and useful overview for readers wanting to communicate more effectively. Along with David Brooks’s recent How To Know a Person, a timely primer for creating deeper connections with others.

A Myriad of Tongues: How Languages Reveal Differences in How We Think

Highly recommended for all collections that support higher education, particularly in the areas of linguistics, anthropology, and language education.

The Way of the Fearless Writer: Mindful Wisdom for a Flourishing Writing Life

Readers and writers comfortable with the style and tone of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way will be drawn to this book.

Write It All Down: How To Put Your Life on the Page

Recommended especially for novice writers interested in memoirs.
15 articles

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