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2024 Stars So Far | Social Sciences

I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine

This fascinating and valuable title gives readers insight into the many neurological benefits of music. Most readers can easily identify what kind of music calms them, provokes creative sparks, or helps get them through strenuous exercises but until they read this, they may not know why music has that power or that it can be great medicine too.

The Illusion of Control: A Practical Guide To Avoid Futile Struggles

Recommended for readers interested in gaining tools to improve their behavior and the tendency to want control of everything and everyone.

Trippy: The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics

This title about utilizing medicinal psychedelics in the treatment plans of some conditions could easily have future public policy implications worldwide. The subject matter will be of interest to many readers.

Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness Is and How To Expand It

Easily the most current, thorough, and helpful exploration of consciousness available. Koch’s light, simple, yet authoritative writing style will appeal to general audiences as well as scientists and researchers. An essential, highly recommended purchase.

The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness

A vigorous contribution to the conversation and discourse about how to protect youths from psychological and neurological damage linked to technology. For parents, educators, and tech decision-makers.

In the Shadow of Diagnosis: Psychiatric Power and Queer Life

This beautifully written, highly recommended book will find readers across a wide spectrum of academic fields, notably the history of science and psychiatry. But general audiences interested in seeing how professionals can correct an industry will enjoy this too.

How We Break: Navigating the Wear and Tear of Living

An enlightening book, for readers who want to protect their bodies as well as their mental health.

Languishing: How To Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down

Supported by research, this book is a valuable resource for those who may be languishing or who want to find more meaning in their life. Action plans are included.
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