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Cultural Humility in Libraries: A Call to Action and Strategies for Success

Highly recommended for information professionals seeking to explore cultural humility as a framework for fostering empathy and positive change across a range of library settings.

Inclusive Cataloging: Histories, Context, and Reparative Approaches

This thoughtful guide is a critical aid in supporting library professionals as they make changes to decrease the harm caused by their institution’s catalogue. Recommended for anyone who works in a gallery, library, archive, or museum and is looking to address bias in their collections.

Breaking Glass Ceilings: Clara Stanton Jones and the Detroit Public Library

A thought-provoking book serving as a potent biography of a library pioneer and a call to action for library professionals to consider the true cost of systemic biases.

Health Literacy and Libraries

A critical exploration of meeting users where they are and creating new pathways to health literacy success. This valuable resource highlights information professionals’ crucial role in helping users acquire health literacy skills to enhance their quality of life, physical well-being, and mental health. Highly recommended for academic libraries, public libraries, and health care institutions committed to improving health literacy.

The Kind Librarian: Cultivating a Culture of Kindness and Wellbeing in Libraries

Rimmer’s helpful and timely work is an important tool for understanding the power of kindness in daily interactions. A recommended purchase for any professional development collection.

Simple Book Repair Techniques

With detailed instructions, up-close photographs, and easy-to-understand illustrations, this volume will be especially welcome in public or special collections libraries. Best suited for librarians, book dealers, and ambitious collectors.

Strengthening Library Ecosystems: Collaborate for Advocacy and Impact

A useful and timely collection for library advocates. Recommended for library leaders interested in advocacy work and collaboration.

Winning Grants

Small and medium libraries will especially find this a helpful guide to grant writing. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when this compilation of exhaustive and easy-to-navigate resources is available. Larger libraries and experienced grant writers will also appreciate this source of readily available and time-saving information when writing proposals.

Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations

While this edition remains a useful resource, libraries with the sixth edition may opt not to replace it and might consider acquiring Fred Schlipf, Joe Huberty, and John A. Moorman’s encyclopedic Practical Handbook of Library Architecture as a companion.
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