Smith, Ben

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The Origins of Critical Race Theory: The People and Ideas That Created a Movement

This absorbing narrative with textbook clarity is a must for readers interested in the facts of CRT and how it understands the U.S. legal and political systems’ impact on systemic racial inequality. Highly recommended.

A Case of Mice and Murder

Smith’s novel is a quiet triumph. Each small unfolding supports the next, characters blossom off the page, and the pitch-perfect pacing is as pleasurable as the descriptive detail.

Booked for Revenge

The second (after Murder Marks the Page) in a series that spins off Smith’s “Daisy’s Tea Garden” mysteries, this novel features a strong cast of characters, romance, and an amateur sleuth still trying to find her role in life and overcome her background of loss. Cozy readers will enjoy this bookstore/tea shop scenario, even if they haven’t read Smith’s earlier books.


The Power of Nuclear: The Rise, Fall and Return of Our Mightiest Energy Source

Visscher’s clear, well-reasoned and well-explained book, aimed at general audiences, offers an accessible alternative perspective on nuclear power, which he believes has been unfairly maligned and misunderstood.

It’s a New Era of Climate Activism in Libraries | Sustainability


Menopause Makes: Empowering Sewing Projects To Relax Your Mind, Cool Your Body and Ignite Your Creativity

Those who are new to crafting or were previously unaware of the strong anti-stress benefits of crafting might find this book most helpful.

Black Woman Grief: A Guide to Hope and Wholeness

This excellent book skillfully showcases Smith’s method for identifying and healing from grief and finding wholeness. It can be read individually or as a study group. Each chapter opens with a quote by an accomplished Black woman, covers an issue that Black women face, infuses God’s Word, provides solutions, and ends with an encouraging letter to Black women.

Start with a Vegetable: More Than 100 Easy, Tasty, Plant-Forward Recipes for Everyone

An excellent addition to cookbook shelves for those who want an easy introduction to plant-based eating. Great for most public library collections.

Eat Your Age: Feel Younger, Be Happier, Live Longer

Like many works on longevity, Smith’s leans heavily into how lifestyle contributes to aging. The actionable steps for incorporating practices into daily life may empower readers to have more nuanced conversations with their doctors about how to embrace health and strength while aging.

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