Univ. of Chicago

91 Articles

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False Dawn: The New Deal and the Promise of Recovery, 1933–1947

An important work for people involved with public policy or for general readers who are staying current on the possibility of future recessions.


Novel Ecologies: Nature Remade and the Illusions of Tech

A wide-ranging, heartfelt, and solidly grounded assertion of the role of art in shaping humanity’s view of the possible. For literary scholars, general readers, and creators of art that deals with the climate crisis, conservation, and the planet’s future.

Mahler’s Symphonic World: Music for the Age of Uncertainty

Recommended for scholars possessing the requisite musical background and for sophisticated readers interested in the relationship of the arts to the human condition.

Experiments in Mystical Atheism: Godless Epiphanies from Daoism to Spinoza and Beyond

Philosophically minded thinkers will find this clearly written, accessible work to be rewarding as a challenge to consider other perspectives.

Religion in Plain View: Public Aesthetics of American Display

One gets the sense that there are two or three possible books vying for space inside this one packed tome that critiques public displays in the U.S. An important work for students of sociology of place and religion.

Waiting for Robots: The Hired Hands of Automation

This recommended philosophical exploration of the current human labor cost of AI deepens the conversation around the promise and future of this type of technology.

Bacteria to AI: Human Futures with Our Nonhuman Symbionts

This profound book provides a valuable way of considering a future in which humans collude with nonhuman symbionts. Will appeal to scholars in disciplines ranging from philosophy and computer science to neuroscience and evolutionary biology.

Firebrands: The Untold Story of Four Women Who Made and Unmade Prohibition

Diliberto’s writing style and the subject matter are likely to appeal to readers across genres.

The Craft of Research

This reference guide is an accessible addition to any undergraduate reading list, but it will be particularly useful for social sciences students. It is well-written, clearly structured, and easy to read and use.

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