
11 Articles

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Dreaming Reality: How Neuroscience and Mysticism Can Unlock the Secrets of Consciousness

This thoughtful conversation on consciousness prompts questions as much as answers. A great recommendation for readers who enjoy works about applied philosophy or nonfiction that challenges them to ponder.

Born To Rule: The Making and Remaking of the British Elite

Based on numerous interviews of an intriguing demographic, this engaging book is a deep-dive analysis of the British elite. Highly recommended for most collections on Britain.

Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War

A technical book best suited for readers with strong economic backgrounds, but it may interest general readers as well.

The Voyage of Sorcerer II: The Expedition That Unlocked the Secrets of the Ocean’s Microbiome

This well-organized narrative of exploration and scientific discovery details the work of an important global science endeavor and brings together the topics of travel, microbiology, and sailing. It efficiently covers a vast amount of time, territory, and work.

In the Shadow of Quetzalcoatl: Zelia Nuttall and the Search for Mexico’s Ancient Civilizations

This book does an exemplary job of conveying this distinctive story of a single mother who accomplished many wondrous things in a world and an era that were decidedly against her.

The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine Is Personalized, Predictive, Data-Rich, and in Your Hands

A detailed look at multidisciplinary teams working to revolutionize medicine; for readers interested in personal health, the health care industry, or imagining a healthier future.

Suzuki: The Man and His Dream To Teach the Children of the World

A Suzuki biography will surely interest music educators and historians, but Hotta’s book (which encapsulates a century of Japanese history) will also appeal to general audiences seeking a musical lens on history.

Guru to the World: The Life and Legacy of Vivekananda

Useful and perhaps even fascinating for readers interested in Hinduism or in scholarly literature on Vivekananda.

Indentured Students: How Government-Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning in College Debt

Readers curious about how students went from working their way through college to facing an untenable situation fostered by “creative financing” will appreciate this thorough volume.

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