Okorafor, Nnedi

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Death of the Author (Deluxe Limited Edition)

A captivating Möbius strip of literary SF.

She Who Knows: Firespitter

Readers who fell hard for Okorafor’s award-winning Who Fears Death (recently optioned by HBO, with George R.R. Martin at the helm) will be thrilled to read this novel that dives deeply into the backstory of one of the fundamental but mysterious characters in that tale. Those who enjoyed Shadow Speaker will find a story with a similar form but featuring a much-deadlier young woman who defies the rules that are intended to reduce and confine her gifts and her spirit.

The Shadow Speaker

Lyrical, emotive narration enhances a compelling coming-of-age novel, the first in a duology perfect for any audio fantasy collection.


This beautifully depicted example of Africanfuturism, a subgenre coined by Okorafor herself, offers both timely and timeless social commentary.


Okorafor packs swift action and harsh emotions into this slim novella, showing her strengths once again as a speculative fiction writer.

Remote Control

This compelling novella is Africanfuturism sf at its best.


Here, the stigmatized immigrant aliens are aliens from outer space, the Nigerians are the good guys, a family’s “putting down roots” acquires novel implications, prosthetic body parts bypass the usual assumptions, and genocide turns up where you least expect it...


Speaking to the global immigration and refugee crises through the lens of Afrofuturism, this brilliant and decidedly progressive work will be an essential addition to most adult graphic novels collections. [See Martha Cornog’s “Afrofuturism and More,” LJ 11/19.]

Broken Places & Outer Spaces: Finding Creativity in the Unexpected

 A brief but arresting memoir draped with colors of hope and resilience.


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