Julia Watson

52 Articles

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Bruno’s Cookbook: Recipes and Traditions from a French Country Kitchen

Written with a generous measure of culinary joie de vivre and a keen appreciation for the people and culture of Périgord, this captivating cookbook will charm fans of Walker’s long-running series as well as any cook wishing to explore the bountiful riches of French country cooking.

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research

An excellent resource for anyone working, studying, or researching in the social sciences today.

Printed Textiles: British and American Cottons and Linens 1700–1850

Textiles scholars, historians, collectors, and designers will find Eaton and Montgomery's work impeccable and inspiring. Destined to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, this new volume will no doubt become a classic work on material culture.

Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice

Yoga in the West often overemphasizes the physical aspects of the practice and this book offers an introduction to a more spiritual mode.

Food Matters

Through interviews with leaders in nutrition and natural healing, viewers are challenged to rethink the belief systems created by our modern medical and health care establishments...

Forks over Knives

Examining the claims of a nutritionist and a cancer surgeon that most "diseases of affluence" can be controlled or reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods...



Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

An Australian entrepreneur, on a mission to get off the steroids he takes for an autoimmune condition, travels across America talking to average people about health...

What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul

Physician/endocrinologist Chopra helps the reader identify and overcome triggers for overeating, using a mind-body approach to weight loss...

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