Hart, Rob

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Assassins Anonymous

Hart’s (enjoyably twisty thriller entertains. Recommended for fans of Byeong-mo Gu’s The Old Woman with the Knife.

Dark Space

This clever science-fiction novel is a perfect choice for readers looking for a perilous adventure with a dash of coziness.

The Paradox Hotel

A great purchase for any library with an active sci-fi listener base, with crossover appeal for thriller and mystery fans.

The Warehouse

Highly recommended for dystopian fiction fans. The film rights have Ron Howard associated, which will pique more interest.

Potter's Field

The fifth and final tale in Hart's "Ash McKenna" series is a fast-paced, adventure-packed read. A mystery book editor and writing instructor, Hart knows his Staten Island setting well and makes strong use of it.

The Woman from Prague: An Ash McKenna Novel

Hart's fast-moving series adventure fuses gritty noir elements with high-octane international suspense; although this is the fourth title in the series (after South Village), it can be read as a stand-alone.

New Yorked

A bloody valentine to a New York fast disappearing, this debut by the associate publisher of MysteriousPress.com is an urban noir populated with memorable characters but saddled with an unnecessarily convoluted story line.

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