Hanks, Dan

7 Articles

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The Way Up Is Death

A compelling blend of science fiction and horror, conceptualized as reality TV with huge consequences. Readers of SF thrillers will be chilled and thrilled.

The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece

From an idea to a film release, listeners will root for Bill, Al, and company during each step of the filmmaking process. A crowd-pleaser for all collections.

The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece

Hanks’s attention to detail and quirky, full-blooded characters make this novel an ideal choice for fans of both James A. Michener and John Irving. It’s an old-fashioned “big” novel that book clubs will love getting lost inside.


A fun romp, ideal for fans of the cultural references and humor of Ghostbusters and Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One.

Uncommon Type: Some Stories

Recommended for short story fans and Hanks devotees. ["Hanks's stories evoke dreams and flights of imagination that everyone has experienced, making the what ifs' of life tangible": LJ 10/15/17 review of the Knopf hc.]

Uncommon Type

Hanks's stories evoke dreams and flights of imagination that everyone has experienced, making the "what ifs" of life tangible. Highly recommended, and not just for the actor's many fans. [See Prepub Alert, 4/10/17.]

Partners in Design: Alfred H. Barr Jr. and Philip Johnson

This catalog provides a fascinating take on modernism's arrival in North America and is also a noteworthy account of the personal and professional friendship between two influential figures in design.

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