David R. Conn

191 Articles

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99% Perspiration: A New Working History of the American Way of Life

An articulate critique of rags-to-riches mythology and government policies about labor in the United States.

Power Metal: The Race for the Resources That Will Shape the Future

This insightful book is filled with hard-hitting arguments. Beiser successfully makes the case that society can’t mine and recycle its way to sustainability; instead, humans must consume less.

Off the Tracks: A Meditation on Train Journeys in a Time of No Travel

This flashback musing about train travel can be confusing at times, but the vision of shining rails leading to new horizons holds it together.

I Will Tell No War Stories: What Our Fathers Left Unsaid About World War II

To readers’ benefit, the author comes to understand his father better, and he shares insights into air combatants’ experiences during World War II.

Boxing the Compass: A Life of Seafaring, Music, and Pilgrimage

This title clearly showcases a life lived on the author’s own terms.

Oceans Rise, Empires Fall: Why Geopolitics Hastens Climate Catastrophe

A thorough, recommended critique of geopolitical business-as-usual and its effects on emissions. The book also contains some guarded optimism about the rapid global spread of renewable power generation.

The Ones Who Got Away: Mighty Eighth Airmen on the Run in Occupied Europe

Diligent and intriguing historical research puts readers, alongside fugitive English airmen, and resistance hosts, firmly on occupied territory from 1942 to 1944. Readers will gain knowledge about their obstacles and successes.

November 1942: An Intimate History of the Turning Point of World War II

A kaleidoscope of wartime impressions on four continents and three oceans. Englund has produced a fascinating perspective on one of humanity’s most global conflicts.

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