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Mother Sauce: Italian American Family Recipes and the Story of the Women Who Created Them

Holding its own among other excellent guides to the subject (like Angie Rito’s Italian American, Lidia Bastianich’s Lidia’s Italy in America, and Alex Guarnaschelli’s brand new Italian American Forever), Quinn’s insightful, welcoming introduction is the next best thing to have one’s own nonna in the kitchen.


Crave Cupcakes: Recipes Celebrating 20 Years of an Iconic Bakery

With its quick overview of essential ingredients, kitchen tools, and techniques, this book is a perfect gateway into baking for new bakers and is essential reading for anyone looking to add new layers to their baking game.


Fat + Flour: The Art of a Simple Bake

This tasty and approachable entry into baking will instill confidence and success. Readers will delight in finding this treasure to take home and get started.


Salsa Daddy: Dip Your Way into Mexican Cooking

A solid volume featuring an expansive take on Mexican cooking, with stunning photographs. A good addition for all collections and one that will stand the test of time.

Gursha: Timeless Recipes for Modern Kitchens, from Ethiopia, Israel, Harlem, and Beyond

This is a one-of-a-kind cookbook that reflects Barhany’s life journey and introduces readers to a rich culture and its history.


Monsoon: Delicious Indian Recipes for Every Day and Season

Fans of Khan’s previous efforts and those new to her charm will find her encouraging voice and practical and modern interpretations of Indian comfort cuisine irresistible.


Dinner: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes for the Most Important Meal of the Day [American Measurements]

An inspiring and motivating cookbook that would be a great addition to extensive collections.


America’s Most Iconic Ice Creams: A Salt and Straw Cookbook

A straightforward cookbook that will delight, surprise, and inspire.

The Blue Kitchen: 100+ Recipes from the Happiest, Healthiest Corners of the World

Anyone overwhelmed by the original Blue Zone cookbooks may find this to be a more accessible, streamlined introduction to the dietary philosophy.
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