Univ. of Nebraska

25 Articles

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Star Bound: A Beginner’s Guide to the American Space Program, from Goddard’s Rockets to Goldilocks Planets and Everything in Between

With Carney and McCandless’s breezy style, this enthusiastic and accessible history will engage the curiosity of both general readers and seasoned space enthusiasts alike.

Homing: Instincts of a Rustbelt Feminist

A thoughtful examination of old and new, which will appeal to readers interested in feminist memoirs.

Leaked Footages

The subject matter in this deeply moving, important collection is a heartbreaking reminder of the innocent lives that are constantly affected by violence and terrorism. Sadiq expertly illustrates these experiences, from the regret to the nightmares and the scars.

Blue-Eyed Soul Brother: The Versatile Football Life of Super Bill Bradley

Football fans, particularly readers who remember Bradley’s playing days, will enjoy this easy-to-read work. It highlights Bradley’s life, including when he became a strong advocate for safety, education, and protection against chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which plagues many former contact sports athletes.

Perfect Eloquence: An Appreciation of Vin Scully

A wonderful and long-overdue tribute to a man whom many consider the best sports broadcaster who ever lived.

Under Jackie’s Shadow: Voices of Black Minor Leaguers Baseball Left Behind

This is a powerful work that shouldn’t be missed. While it focuses mostly on lesser-known aspects of the culture of Minor League Baseball, it could become a referendum on the state of racism in the United States today. Highly recommended.


A gripping, fast-paced, genre-bending novel full of heart and wonder. Give this one to fans of Ben H. Winters and Dan Chaon.

Mud, Blood, and Ghosts: Populism, Eugenics, and Spiritualism in the American West

This is an important and moving analysis of the development of a formal Populism movement in the United States, also important for understanding lowercase-p populism in today’s politics.

New Kids in the World Cup: The Totally Late ’80s and Early ’90s Tale of the Team That Changed American Soccer Forever

Specialists in sports history might lament the book’s lack of citations and sources, but Elder’s insider look at the players and FIFA officials who put the U.S. men’s soccer team on the map will likely still appeal to fans of the game.

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