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Last Seen: The Enduring Search by Formerly Enslaved People To Find Their Lost Families

Based on a unique set of sources, this heart-wrenching work should be read by all focused on enslavement studies as well as American and Civil War history.

Calling In: How To Start Making Change with Those You’d Rather Cancel

This is a highly recommended, necessary read for anyone who finds themself grating against those with different political beliefs. Ross’s book has plenty of potential for discussions and healing relations between friends and family and maybe even strangers too.

Elegy, Southwest

Metaphors abound in Watts’s fiction, but this work solemnly ponders whether accepting negation opens up alternative paths toward the future. Her novel movingly covers multitudinous forms of grief: ecological, political, and familial.


With themes of relationships, love, and family, this tale will resonate with readers who have faced hardships and who have had to search for and embrace their identity. A welcome addition to collections.

Shock Induction

Palahniuk’s loyal fans, along with readers new to his work, will enjoy this distinctive and thought-provoking book.


This momentous tour de force overtops existing works on robots by leaps and bounds, approaching the subject with a subtlety that allows readers to focus on the effects robots are sure to have in the future; a meditation on and an illustration of human and robot relationships in which it is difficult to distinguish between them.

Carson the Magnificent

Filled with tidbits such as the origin of the famous golf swing and humanizing stories of regret over losing his first wife to divorce and his son to a car accident, Zehme expertly fully captures a full portrait of Carson.

Growing Up Urkel

A candid and surprisingly touching memoir from the actor who created one of television’s most memorable characters.

Every Arc Bends Its Radian

This fantastical, spectacular, riveting tale is incredibly well-written, and it gives off a vibe that is fiercely intense and consuming. An existential detective thriller from an engaging writer and thinker.

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