Liveright: Norton

36 Articles

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The Secret Public: How Music Moved Queer Culture from the Margins to the Mainstream

This title is not merely essential for any collection on popular music or queer history. Savage’s ability to turn a wealth of information into a compellingly readable narrative should make this volume of interest to readers of all stripes.

Victorian Psycho

Fans of gothic literature who don’t mind gruesome deaths will savor watching Winifred go beyond simply eating the rich in this seemingly by-the-book gothic story that subverts some of the genre’s conventions. It already has a film adaptation in the works.

What Remains: The Collected Poems of Hannah Arendt

Accessible distillations of heart and mind; readers don’t have to know Arendt’s philosophy (or philosophy generally) to read this work profitably and with pleasure.

Miss Kim Knows: And Other Stories

Set in Korea, these stories give readers a hard look at the universality found among humans. This is another winner for Cho and a good selection for readers who are looking for bite-sized stories to ponder. These brief stories pack quite a bit into their narratives.


In this work of autofiction, Kracht deftly reveals the narrator’s conflict and guilt.

A New Philosophy of Opera

An inspiring treatise that should provoke new interest in opera’s potential. For anyone involved with opera or who thinks they might like to be.

Ira Gershwin: A Life in Words

Great reading for more than music lovers. This will be the definitive book on Ira for a long time.

Villa E

Alison skillfully probes the nature of collaboration, influence, and credit in the world of architecture and design, as well as the often gender-confining roles of artists.

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