
83 Articles

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To Be a Problem: A Black Woman’s Survival in the Racist Disability Rights Movement

A frank critique of the disability rights movement. Recommended for readers interested in activism and social justice.

The Unicorn Woman

Jones (The Birdcatcher) rambles somewhat aimlessly, like Buddy, offering a character that should have been more compelling and a story that plods along.

Sweet Movie: Poems

A rich and thought-provoking collection. Poetry lovers and Dietzman fans will want to read these poems over and over again and can find something new to enjoy or admire each time.

Homeland of My Body: New and Selected Poems

Accessible and sincere, Blanco’s poems may sometimes play tag with unmasked sentiment, but they are equally capable of sharp commentary (“History’s most constant conceit: that to love/ a country justifies killing everyone who does/ not love it exactly as we wish”) and a keen engagement with contemporary American life.

Humanizing Immigration: How To Transform Our Racist and Unjust System

A timely title that humanizes immigration and offers readers a deep understanding of the processes involved in seeking asylum and fighting deportation. It also clearly and expertly shows how specific enforced laws contribute to institutional racism.

Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole

An excellent, impressive addition to the conversation around theology and disability that shines on many levels.

Unbroken Chains: The Hidden Role of Human Trafficking in the American Economy

There’s contact information for the Freedom Network USA and lists of specific actions for readers to take if or when they suspect instances of human trafficking. Libraries need this.

Celebrity Nation: How America Evolved into a Culture of Fans and Followers

Although the ending is a little too simplistic, this book could spark debate in university classrooms or at dinner tables, where the abundance of celebrities and celebrity podcasts suits U.S. tastes as much as apple pie.

“You Just Need To Lose Weight”: And 19 Other Myths About Fat People

This book may not always be easy to digest, but it is powerful, necessary reading.

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