Steve Dixon

77 Articles

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Homestand: Small Town Baseball and the Fight for the Soul of America

Baseball lovers will be enamored with the storytelling and conclusions, but one doesn’t have to be an enthusiastic sports fan to gain insight into the human soul from Bardenwerper’s book. Consider this resource a must-purchase.

The Devil’s Drug: The Global Emergence of Crystal Meth

Voeten’s meticulous research has made for easily the most comprehensive work ever done on this subject. A must for collections, this highly recommended book expertly describes and shows with evidence-based research and powerful accounts the terrifying reality of this global issue.

Shocktober: The Biggest Upsets in World Series History

Weeks’s leisurely writing style will appeal to most sports fans. Readers who love baseball will devour this recommended book.

Francis of Assisi: The Life of a Restless Saint

Easily the most comprehensive and scholarly work ever written on Francis of Assisi, this highly recommended work belongs in all religious collections.

The White Storm: How Racism Poisoned American Democracy

Recommended for all academic and larger public libraries.

The World Atlas of Honey

The writing assumes some scholarly knowledge, so readers may need a thesaurus at times, but the creative and descriptive terms will appeal to most readers. The photography and layout of the book make this work absolutely fascinating.

Raised by a Serial Killer: Discovering the Truth About My Father

The details, research, and candor in this highly recommended work will captivate readers, who won’t be able to put it down.

What Rivers Know: Listening to the Voices of Global Waterways

The pictures and illustrations add to this book’s allure and ultimately make this a one-of-a-kind treasure. It’s a recommended work that’s easy to read and sure to attract general readers drawn to water and the outdoors, as well as researchers and environmentalists.

Blue-Eyed Soul Brother: The Versatile Football Life of Super Bill Bradley

Football fans, particularly readers who remember Bradley’s playing days, will enjoy this easy-to-read work. It highlights Bradley’s life, including when he became a strong advocate for safety, education, and protection against chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which plagues many former contact sports athletes.

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