Sara Marcus

18 Articles

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Find It in the Talmud: An Encyclopedia of Jewish Ethics and Conduct

Geared toward a Jewish audience, this volume will be of minimal benefit to non-Jewish readers who are not interested in finding information in the Jewish Talmud. However, those who are studying the central text or those simply wanting to find a quotation to strengthen their speech, will find the material helpful.

Film Programming for Public Libraries

A comprehensive work ideal for anyone interested in film programming. The author thoughtfully includes several online resources in the further-reading list, enabling her guide to be a resource for finding information—one to return to time and again for specific details.

Success with Library Volunteers

Readers can take advantage of all or part of this book, based on individual needs and existing policies regarding volunteer practices, and can use the material to open conversations regarding future volunteer use.

World Clothing and Fashion: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Social Influence

This work will be useful to students creating reports on cultures, geographies, costuming for theater, advertising, biographies of subjects such as Amelia Bloomer and Vera Wang, and clothing manufacturing.

Public Libraries and Resilient Cities

A useful resource for urban librarians involved with strategic planning.

Handbook to American Democracy

Despite minor problems, this will be valuable to audiences from advanced middle school students to beginning graduate researchers.

Education Health and Medicine Disability

Hanley-Maxwell (rehabilitation & special education, Univ...

The Greenwood Dictionary of Education

Collins (librarian, Monroe C...

Historical Dictionary of Postwar Japan

Written for general readers in high school and academic libraries, this contains more than 500 entries on key people, organizations, activities, and events, with a minimum of Japanese terms and expressions...

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