Modiano, Patrick

12 Articles

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Sleep of Memory

Transparent reading for happy fans that won't overwhelm new readers.

Such Fine Boys

Adventurous thriller fans will enjoy Sundays, adventurous fans of coming-of-age fiction will enjoy Boys, and fans of Modiano and literary fiction generally will enjoy both.

Little Jewel

An affecting read, ambiguous even for Modiano in its ending; his fans will embrace.

Villa Triste

Adding more color to Modiano's exquisite palette; highly recommended.

The Black Notebook

Classic Modiano sure to engage sophisticated readers, yet the noir sensibility and hint of crime could attract a larger audience. [See Prepub Alert, 3/28/16.]

In the Café of Lost Youth

Two more great examples of Modiano's writing, with Young Once somewhat more accessible and In the Café of Lost Youth perhaps the better book.


Though not for all readers, those who stick with this slim volume will find much to recommend. A truly wonderful book. [See "Nobel Prize Winner Modiano," LJ 9/1/15.

So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood

More fleshed out than Modiano's mid-career novels yet retaining their not-quite-touchable qualities, this won't work for anyone who wants robust emotion but is brilliantly structured and effectively captures the unflashy unease of real life.[See Prepub Alert, 3/30/2015.]

The Occupation Trilogy: La Place de L'Étoile; The Night Watch; Ring Roads

Though a lot of background drops out here, Modiano's famously spare style is not entirely in evidence, with the writing feeling positively baroque by comparison. Sometimes over-the-top, these aren't perfect novels, but they are refreshingly (and unsettlingly) unheroic, digging under France's postwar skin to reveal venal behavior, and they raise issues that Modiano continues exploring throughout his work.

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