Michaels, Fern

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Perfect Match

Best-selling Michaels's (Eyes Only; Tuesday's Child) latest is a stand-alone novel that's more women's fiction than romance, although happy endings abound. A little more plausibility and suspense, however, would help readers better connect with the story. This novel isn't the best introduction to Michaels, despite it being a one-off, but her many fans will still create demand.

When the Snow Falls

A standout collection of yuletide romances.

A Family Affair

This simplistic romance contains characters whose actions seem juvenile and out of an earlier time period (the adult heroine giggles and smokes when under duress; the hero, a man with a PhD, uses phrases such as, "Oh golly, Miss Molly"). Will appeal only to Michaels's faithful fans or teenagers reading their first romance.

The Blossom Sisters

Will be of interest to Michaels's fans and those who enjoy redemptive family stories.

Beyond Tomorrow

Despite some flaws, this audio version should please Michaels's fans, who will welcome one more of her classic "kisses and yearnings"-type of romance. ["This (1981) romance has not been rewritten, and while dated in a number of ways…it is an enjoyable journey back to the early days of the classic Silhouette series lines (est. 1980)," read the review of the Severn House hc, LJ 8/12.—Ed.]

Christmas at Timberwoods Making Spirits Bright

Angela Steinhart tries to warn the security team at Timberwoods Mall about her vision of a holiday explosion...

Whisper My Name

A photographer who operates pseudonymously inherits a controlling interest in the publishing firm she works for and is attracted to her new boss, the man who thinks he should have inherited the business and has no idea who she really is, in this 1981 Silhouette Romance Classic...

Holiday Magic

Romance authors Michaels, Cathy Lamb, Mary Carter, and Terri DuLong celebrate the holiday season with these novellas...

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