Marcia Welsh

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‘The Piano Player of Budapest: A True Story of Survival, Hope, and Music’ by Roxanne de Bastion | LJ Review of the Day

The Piano Player of Budapest: A True Story of Survival, Hope, and Music

A most moving, memorable memoir that expertly incorporates sensory details. Readers will be able to easily envision de Bastion’s grandfather, his love of music and great talent for it, his strength and resilience during the war, and the power of his music to keep him alive.

I Heard There Was a Secret Chord: Music as Medicine

This fascinating and valuable title gives readers insight into the many neurological benefits of music. Most readers can easily identify what kind of music calms them, provokes creative sparks, or helps get them through strenuous exercises but until they read this, they may not know why music has that power or that it can be great medicine too.

All in Her Head: How Gender Bias Harms Women’s Mental Health

Ideal for both general readers and for mental health professionals. This title deftly brings awareness to biases and dismissive attitudes about women patients and the barriers they face when they seek treatment and relief.

Historical Dictionary of Choral Music

A remarkable resource that will please both musical professionals and amateurs, along with teachers and their students, and conductors and singers.

Restore Your Life from Chronic Pain: Find Lasting Relief from Arthritis, Headache, and Back Pain

A positive, comprehensive, integrative, helpful, and hopeful approach to taming pain. Perfect for people with chronic pain who are eager for feasible solutions.

Historical Dictionary of Baroque Music, 2nd ed

Bravo! An invaluable source for scholars and concertgoers. For readers without experience in music theory or notation, a good basic dictionary of music (such as the current edition of the Harvard Dictionary of Music) would complement this title well.

Critical insights: C.S. Lewis

These essays beautifully approach Lewis’s writings from a myriad of critical viewpoints. Perfect for literature students wishing to more fully gain an understanding of Lewis’s work.

Supporting People To Live Well with Dementia: A Guide for Library Services

An excellent and most welcome complement to Timothy Dickey’s Library Dementia Services: How To Meet the Needs of the Alzheimer’s Community.

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