Julie Feighery

29 Articles

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She’s a Lamb!

For readers who enjoy dark, uncomfortable humor and tales of mental spiraling.

What Is Wrong with You?

In the end, the plot does not matter, really; what makes Rudnick’s book so memorable are the well-drawn friendships among characters, their allegiance to one another, and a surprisingly touching reflection on love, trust, and the passage of time.

The NEAT Method Organizing Recipe Book: 70 Simple Projects To Take Your Home from Chaos to Composed

A useful addition for readers who enjoy the Good Housekeeping series of how-to books.

Feel, Heal, and Let That Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love

Highly recommended for readers interested in active self-care.

Nothing To Fear: Demystifying Death To Live More Fully

An excellent resource for anyone going through the hospice experience.

The Joy You Make: Find the Silver Lining—Even on Your Darkest Days

Petrow’s tone is akin to friendly reminiscing from a relative, suggesting books to read and apps to try. Recommended for readers who enjoy self-help works in the memoir vein.

You Only Die Once: How To Make It to the End with No Regrets

Wellman does make liberal use of profanity, so readers who won’t enjoy that should look elsewhere, but this is an exceptional and amusing workbook for taking charge of future Mondays.

Everything Anxiety Ever Told You Is a Lie: *Well, Almost Everything!

An excellent resource for young adults feeling weighed down by adolescence and 21st-century life.

Powerful: Be the Expert in Your Own Life

Filled with clear and pragmatic advice, this book is a thorough and fresh approach to embrace and bolster one’s inner power by considering its link to the nervous system and stress hormones. Recommended for readers who are interested in an approachable self-help volume.

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