Judy Poyer

36 Articles

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Potomac Fever: Reflections on the Nation’s River

For readers looking for a different lens through which to view the U.S. capital and to see both the ugly impacts of racism and the beauty of nature.

The Ultimate Guide to Houseplant Propagation: Step-by-Step Techniques for Making More Houseplants…for Free!

This engaging, encouraging, and accessible guide to houseplant propagation will appeal to plant parents everywhere.

The Licensing Racket: How We Decide Who Is Allowed To Work, and Why It Goes Wrong

Allensworth gives readers accessible descriptions of the professional licensing process and attendant problems. She explains the reasons for caring about this weighty topic and suggests solutions.

What the Chicken Knows: A New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird

Montgomery’s expertise as a naturalist and fluid writing style combine for an engaging and eye-opening read. For all collections.

The Curious Kitchen Gardener: Uncommon Plants and How To Eat Them

Perhaps this will be the nudge that less-confident cooks will need to try something new. Recommended for readers seeking new options in both their gardens and their kitchens.

Natural Yarn Dyes: 25 Vibrant and Sustainable Recipes

Accessible to beginners yet interesting for readers with some dyeing experience, this guide will appeal to fiber enthusiasts who want to expand the range of colors available to them and are willing to experiment.

The Demand Revolution: How Consumers Are Redefining Sustainability and Transforming the Future of Business

Overall, a thought-provoking examination of consumer views toward sustainability. Readers of popular business titles will likely find the material accessible and engaging.

A Call to Farms: Reconnecting to Nature, Food, and Community in a Modern World

Entertaining and enlightening but also a bit prickly, this book is a recommended tour of alternative farms. For readers looking for stories about marginalized people who are trying to thrive in agricultural settings.

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