Joshua Wallace

112 Articles

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The Community of Nuchi Du Takara (“Life Is the Ultimate Treasure”) in Postwar Okinawa: Local Subjectivity Within and Against Empire

This scholarly work does a good job of indicating the nuances and the conflict between Okinawa and the U.S.-Japan alliance. Recommended for graduate students and readers interested in modern East Asia.

Emperor of the Seas: Kublai Khan and the Making of China

Essential for any reader interested in Mongolian or Chinese history.

The Impeachment Power: The Law, Politics, and Purpose of an Extraordinary Constitutional Tool

Highly recommended for any reader interested in American government and politics.

‘The Shortest History of Japan: From Mythical Origins to Pop Culture Powerhouse—the Global Drama of an Ancient Island Nation’ by Lesley Downer | LJ Review of the Day

The Shortest History of Japan: From Mythical Origins to Pop Culture Powerhouse—the Global Drama of an Ancient Island Nation

Essential reading for both general audiences and scholars who are interested in an engaging overview of Japan’s complex history. Pair with Richard Tames’s A Traveller’s History of Japan, which also offers an overview of Japan’s history but with a focus on information for tourists.

A Gentleman from Japan: The Untold Story of an Incredible Journey from Asia to Queen Elizabeth’s Court

Highly recommended for readers interested in the Age of Discovery. The author does an excellent job of placing Christopher’s story in the greater context of the era’s global history.

Titles About Taiwan | Travel and History


Divided Isles: Solomon Islands and the China Switch

Highly recommended for readers interested in diplomacy with China and international relations in general or the politics and history of the Solomon Islands in particular.

The Struggle for Taiwan: A History of America, China, and the Island Caught Between

Highly recommended for anyone interested in China-Taiwan-U.S. relations.

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