Chuck Palahniuk

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Shock Induction

Palahniuk’s loyal fans, along with readers new to his work, will enjoy this distinctive and thought-provoking book.

The Invention of Sound

Combining straight narrative with excerpts from Blush’s manuscript, Oscarpocalypse Now, Palahniuk’s (Adjustment Day) novel undergirds the ordinary reality of movie production with a horror movie universe possessing curiously biblical overtones, a world where justice ultimately prevails

Consider This: Moments in My Writing Life After Which Everything Was Different

Palahniuk readers--and writers at any career level--likely will devour this vivid and instructive behind-the-scenes tour.


Adjustment Day

Palahniuk is an acquired taste; those who have it will devour this, for others, it might be the place to start. [See Prepub Alert, 11/27/17.]

Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread

You either love Palahniuk or hate him. For new readers, this compilation offers a small taste of the author's style. His faithful fans will be entertained, intrigued, and at times a little disgusted, but what else would we expect from Palahniuk? [See Prepub Alert, 11/3/14.]

Beautiful You

While writing female protagonists has never been Palahniuk's strongest suit, his latest novel has a more powerful message and compelling hook than many of his recent efforts. Full of original imagery and sensibilities, this is sure to amuse and horrify even his most ardent fans. Casual readers will be hard pressed to find anything else like it on the shelf. Highly recommended for everyone except the prudish or readers of actual romance novels. [See Prepub Alert, 4/21/14.]

Burnt Tongue

Fans of transgressive fiction authors such as Palahnuik will enjoy this selection, but it is certainly not for everyone.


Palahniuk's follow-up to the best-selling Damned does not disappoint. Our eccentric, sharp-witted tween narrator walks the line between hilarity and sorrow throughout. Highly recommended for the author's many fans.

Invisible Monsters Remix

Jumping between discs is not something most listeners will enjoy, so either ignore the advice or stick with print. [“A must read for fans of the author or the original version of the book. Fans of speculative fiction or the grotesque will also enjoy the ride,” read the review of the Norton hc, LJ 5/15/12.—Ed.]

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