Bondurant, Matt

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Oleander City

Bondurant masterfully entwines haunting imagery, humanity at its best and worst, and factual historical events into an examination of racism, sexism, and white privilege that is just as relevant today as it was in 1900.

The Night Swimmer

Bondurant's story provides plenty of mystery but not enough explanation to tie the pieces together. His characters are multifaceted, but their complexities are not convincingly demonstrated in the narrative. Though the story's parts are well written, it doesn't come together as a whole. This book might appeal to readers of general fiction. ["This will appeal to fans of magical realism," read the review of the Scribner hc, LJ 10/1/11; the pb, also by Scribner, will publish in August.—Ed.]

The Wettest County in the World

This somewhat uneven story is well read by Broadway actor Erik Steele. ["This is a cracklingly good novel, with plenty of action and local color," read the review of the Scribner hc, LJ 7/08.—Ed.]

The Night Swimmer

This dark and fleetingly mysterious novel by the author of The Wettest County in the World captures the sometimes turbulent relationship between ensconced natives set in traditional ways and enthusiastic newcomers. While the story's supernatural threads are not quite clear, they illustrate the eerie and unknown found in strange and wild places. This will appeal to fans of magical realism. [The film adaptation of The Wettest County in the World, with Shia LaBeouf and Gary Oldman, is scheduled for release this December.—Ed.]

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