Armstrong, Karen

5 Articles

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The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts

A scholarly yet accessible study of world scriptures, and an elegant argument for embracing them as they have traditionally been read. This will appeal to those who view scripture as a life-giving resource that enhances instead of restricts readers’ understanding to literal interpretation. [See Prepub Alert, 5/13/19.]

St. Paul: The Apostle We Love To Hate

Another superb, intelligent work from Armstrong, a must for readers of all types.

Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence

Despite the overall excellence of both the text and listening experience, this program will be of limited appeal to patrons of many smaller collections, though it will appeal to individuals looking for an extensive discussion of the topic. ["A well-written treatment of the perceived connection between religion and violence that will appeal to the serious layperson seeking to understand the role of religion in the development of society," read the starred review of the Knopf hc, LJ 9/15/14.]

Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence

Prolific religious writer Armstrong offers a well-written treatment of the perceived connection between religion and violence that will appeal to the serious layperson seeking to understand the role of religion in the development of society.

Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life

In early 2008, religious historian/New York Times best-selling author Armstrong was awarded a substantial cash prize from the nonprofit TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) to promote an idea that could "make a difference" in people's lives...

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