Jennifer Beach

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In Veritas

Lavigne’s debut urban fantasy novel, part of the “Nunatak First Fiction” series, is full of wonder, darkness, and hope. Part biography, part conversation with an unnamed biographer, the style is engaging and keeps the pages turning. Reminiscent of the best of Charles de Lint, this is a book readers will not want to put down.

Bridge 108

Arthur C. Clark Award-winning Charnock (Dreams Before the Start of Time) provides a window into a future that feels all too near in this post-Brexit world. From the fears and repercussions of intense drought to the politics and panic of immigration, Caleb’s story, sadly, rings true.

The Last Day

Murray’s debut novel depicts a thrilling future dystopia. The science of the Slow and the political breakdown that follows are alarmingly realistic, and Hopper’s flight through London as she unravels what could be England’s greatest secret is a ride not to be missed.


Beckett’s debut is richly imagined, fast-paced climate change fiction. The predictions for our future feel shockingly real but still make one wish the virtual reality technology and the prosocial ideologies were available now. Readers will delight in the nonbinary characters, LBGTQ relationships and identities, and the land acknowledgment statement at the end of the book. Highly recommended.

Talk to Me

Kenney (Truth in Advertising) delivers a deep tale that balances wit with human folly. No aspects of our modern media lives are left uncovered, as he portrays everything from the old-fashioned nightly news to shock-obsessed web tabloids to CNN's Anderson Cooper 360. Talk to Me reminds us that relationships are lost, and found, in the words we say and the actions we take. [See Prepub Alert, 7/19/18.]

The Shadows We Hide

Featuring characters from Eskens's debut, The Life We Bury, this title by the "Max Rupert" mysteries author begins slowly but gains momentum as the circumstances surrounding Toke's death unravel. While the ending wraps up a little too perfectly, readers will enjoy the ride. Newcomers will be able to follow the story but may wish they had started with the first book. [See Prepub Alert, 5/14/18.]


This fast read picks up after the death of Julian, the protagonist of Splinterlands, and can be enjoyed as a stand-alone sequel to the first book in the series. Its sense of urgency inspires readers to keep going and a pale glimmer of hope at the end is welcome after the quick, harrowing ride.

The Wind in His Heart

To read a de Lint novel is to let yourself believe in the power of magic. Highly recommended.


North (The Sudden Appearance of Hope) has captured the horror of capitalism without empathy. Her prose style, dreamlike and full of unfinished thoughts and rambling sentences, is distracting enough that it might dissuade people from finishing the novel. But if readers can overcome the unusual style, the dense slow-to-start plot carries through to the end. [See Prepub Alert, 11/21/17.]

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