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The heat level on this one is high, excluding it from some more conservative collections. This latest from the "Delta Squad" series (after Lawson) can stand on its own, but fans of the books are the most likely to pick it up.

Judd's Vow

A nice beach read as we head into spring break season. Those familiar with the Harlow brothers (Tanner's Promise; Luke's Gift) will be glad to get to Judd's story, but it is accessible as a stand-alone as well.

Love at the Beach Shop

Although the second entry in the series (after Shirley Jump's Summer Love: Take Two), this novel from Jacobs (Her Unexpected Hero) stands alone and could be appropriate for a YA audience as well; highly recommend for all collections.

The Sleuth's Miscalculation

The merging of Christian romance with mystery is a tall order and frequently unsuccessful. Indeed, this series launch seems to lack a clear path or central theme, though the romance and the forgiveness elements are sweet and heartwarming. Fans of Johnson's (The Reluctant Groom) romances may be interested to try this new series, but it could be a tough sell for new readers.


While some readers of Riley's (His Alone) latest may be uncomfortable with Jordan's unchanging and extreme overprotectiveness, the characters' quirks and the humorous situations that ensue make for a fun read.

The Years

A memoir that captures nostalgia's twinge while also documenting the many societal changes that shaped postwar France. Of appeal to readers interested in contemporary French studies.

The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution

Interspersed with expert historical context, this fast-paced, personal history lays bare the hopes and fears of those present for Ukraine's EuroMaidan revolt and aftermath and will appeal to anyone trying to gain a better understanding of the past, present, and future of the current situation in Ukraine.

Member of the Family: My Story of Charles Manson, Life Inside His Cult, and the Darkness That Ended the Sixties

This is an honest, courageous, and intriguing portrait of an extraordinary adolescence. It offers some granular insight into Manson and the dynamics of the Family, but those nuggets may not be enough for this to stand out in a market already saturated with Manson material.

Advice and Dissent: Why America Suffers When Economics and Politics Collide

Full of examples, anecdotes, and wry humor, Blinder's work will appeal as an illuminating primer on critical U.S. economic issues and how they intersect with politics. His book hits many of the same points as Robert Reich's recent The Common Good.

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