Meet the Candidates: ALA President 2017–18

Voting for the American Library Association (ALA) 2016–17 presidential campaign opens today, and ALA members in good standing can cast their ballots through April 22. This year’s candidates come from a range of backgrounds: Christine Lind Hage is director of the Rochester Hills Public Library, MI; Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is a professor and coordinator for information literacy services and instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and James G. Neal most recently served as the vice president for information services and university librarian at New York’s Columbia University. LJ has invited them to weigh in on some key issues pertaining to ALA and librarianship; more information about the election can be found on ALA’s Election Information page.
Voting for the American Library Association (ALA) 2017–18 presidential campaign opens today, and ALA members in good standing can cast their ballots through April 22. This year’s candidates come from a range of backgrounds: Christine Lind Hage is director of the Rochester Hills Public Library, MI; Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe is a professor and coordinator for information literacy services and instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and James G. Neal most recently served as the vice president for information services and university librarian at New York’s Columbia University. LJ has invited them to weigh in on some key issues pertaining to ALA and librarianship; more information about the election can be found on ALA’s Election Information page.
1. Everyone effectively summed up their positions on ALA’s three strategic directions of advocacy, information policy, and professional and leadership development in the forum at Midwinter. Aside from those three areas, what is it that will make you the best possible leader for ALA? What sets your candidacy apart?
Christine Hage - Light background

Christine Lind Hage

Christine Lind Hage: I work in an open, inclusive and collaborative manner with my colleagues. One of the great strengths ALA has is the rich talent pool and diversity within our membership.  We are passionate about our work and it shows. As president of ALA I will respect the individual expertise and experiences that our members have. I will work with groups within the association to take advantage of the expert knowledge and experience. The president of ALA must lead, but in many situations the president speaks for the association based on strong input from experts. As president I will not only rely on my own expertise, but will call on ALA members to share their knowledge and insights so that together we can make informed decisions. As president I will represent the association in all forums. My extensive experience and leadership at the local, national and international levels will allow me to effectively serve as the voice of the association on a full spectrum of issues. ALA is fortunate to have an active and committed membership. As president, I would listen to, value, and work with the diverse expertise, vision, and energy of our membership to put ALA in the lead.
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe

Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: Thank you for these questions and the opportunity to share my thoughts with the readers of Library Journal. For more information about my candidacy for ALA president, please visit my website and also be in touch via email (, Facebook, or Twitter (@lisa4alaprez or @lisalibrarian). Why Lisa for ALA president? I am ready to lead on ALA’s strategic directions of advocacy, information policy, and professional and leadership development and I have also identified specific action plans to make ALA an even better association than it already is. It is not enough for ALA to have a robust public policy and advocacy agenda. ALA must be a platform for full member participation in our collective work if we are to achieve our mission. In my Candidate Statement, An Ethos of Hospitality, I detail specific actions that I pledge to take so that ALA members can hold me accountable to my promise to foster greater inclusion, diversity, and member engagement and to remove barriers to participation. The other unique aspect of my candidacy is my vision for embracing not only the position of ALA president but also the jointly held position of president of the ALA–Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA). As I have found myself saying time and time again, libraries cannot live on love alone and neither can library workers. Library workers deserve good wages and benefits, excellent working conditions, and ongoing training and development. I believe that ALA-APA is our vehicle for collectively addressing systemic problems in these areas and securing change. I am committed to leading that charge.
James G. Neal

James G. Neal

James G. Neal: My candidacy is distinguished by my involvement over many years in the actual work of advocacy, information policy, and professional/ leadership development. I will bring experience as a spokesperson for libraries in local, national, and global forums; working with the press; testifying before congressional committees, state legislatures, and international groups on policy issues; and the continuing relevance and impact of the library and the library professional. I have been involved in the policy wars for decades, advocating for fair use, open access, barrier-free access to information, privacy, net neutrality, and fighting against censorship and surveillance. I have developed and participated in successful leadership programs for the library community, and have mentored many new and mid-career librarians. I am also encouraging the adoption of a fourth strategic initiative: ALA leads the profession to translate a commitment to diversity into impactful actions for inclusion.

2. What do you predict will be the most important issues facing ALA during your prospective tenure? And how will you handle them?
Christine Lind Hage: Although we rely heavily on volunteer contributions of our members, much of the work of the association is done by our staff. It is crucial that we continue to recruit the most talented candidates to key positions as openings occur. Our current staff does remarkable work, but as these leaders move on from these positions we want to ensure they are being filled by people with the skills and experience to take us forward. I would draw upon past, present, and future leaders of our association to help seek out the best talent for any key positions that may open during my tenure.Challenges to privacy rights, like Apple/FBI/terrorism, will continue to be in the forefront. Fortunately, the association is well equipped to respond to these issues. We have our Core Values doctrine, and we have the Office of Intellectual Freedom, the Office for Information Technology Policy, the Public Awareness Office, and the Office of Governmental Relations that are quickly able to respond situations. We also have dedicated and informed members that can speak on behalf of the association as needed on both local and national issues. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: From an external perspective, public policy issues related to intellectual property and digital inclusion are going to be very important issues in the coming years (e.g., copyright, international trade agreements, net neutrality, etc.). Content and connectivity industries will continue to seek to shape the legal and regulatory environment to increase profits and, in doing so, erode the public and societal goods of free access to information and an informed citizenry. ALA will need to be vigilant and active in responding to this environment and also be proactive in pursuing our own values and priorities.The passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has created an opportunity to improve our school libraries. We will need to advocate at the state level in order to ensure that the opportunity becomes a reality. Likewise, the recently announced Open eBooks Initiative that is part of ConnectED is an opportunity to highlight the key role that school and public libraries play in supporting literacy and providing access to reading materials.Finally, anticipating that Carla Hayden will be confirmed as the Librarian of Congress (and I really must say how exciting it was to hear of her nomination—I cheered out loud in an airport lounge area when I saw the news!), the ALA president will have the opportunity to build a strong partnership with her as she leads the Library of Congress into a new era of innovation.From an internal perspective, the most pressing issue for ALA is recruiting and retaining members by delivering value-for-membership as a diverse and inclusive organization while also supporting state and local associations. Just as libraries need to understand the needs of their communities and meet them, so too does ALA.
James G. Neal: The biggest issue for ALA will be the ability to advance an outward view, and not retreat to an inward focus. ALA must help us to better engage and empower our communities, help libraries to be essential at the local level. ALA must enable us to be more effective agents of innovative and positive change, positioning library professionals to be embraced as leaders and partners in transformation. ALA must put us at the tables where the future of our communities, our nation, and our world are being debated, connecting libraries to the priority social and economic issues of our time. A second important challenge will be strengthening the profession, attracting and retaining outstanding young professionals to the field, advocating improved compensation and work life conditions in libraries, and strengthening the rigor and expanding the availability of continuing education and certification for library workers.

3. Why does ALA membership still matter? What lessons can be drawn from CLA’s dissolution?
Christine Lind Hage: My understanding is that the Canadian Library Association was duplicating what was already being done on a regional level. They plan to reorganize to become an association of library associations.On a very personal level my membership and participation in ALA has been key to my successful career. I’ve received top-notch continuing education. I’ve formed a network of librarians across the country that I can call on for advice and I often refer to association publications. But as an association, ALA is most effective when it’s tackling issues impacting all libraries such as access to digital content, copyright laws, rights to digital government records, digital inclusion, equity, privacy infringements, and social injustice.ALA at the table speaking on behalf of all libraries is able to accomplish something individual libraries, systems, or state agencies would not have been able to accomplish. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: The participation factors and national dynamics were very different for the Canadian Library Association (CLA) than they are for ALA. Nonetheless, one of the most important lessons that can be drawn from the dissolution of CLA is that ALA must continue to understand and meet the needs of its members. If ALA does not, members will look elsewhere.Fortunately, ALA offers a variety of benefits and forms of value for members. Some members value professional participation opportunities, others seek a Washington advocate, some look forward to meeting up with colleagues at the conferences, and others need a place to see the latest products and meet with publishers and vendors. Some see it as a venue to work on projects with colleagues, others treasure a unique opportunity to hear directly from intellectual and political leaders, etc.It is vital that we maintain the benefits that continue to be valued. At the same time, member needs change in a networked environment and, like other professional associations, ALA must also identify new ways to serve our members. My plans to foster digitally inclusive practices and to lead a fresh look at the conference ecosystem are examples of the proactive strategies ALA can pursue to meet member needs.
James G. Neal: ALA plays a very important role in helping us to be more effective library professionals. With a clear sense of mission…why did we join this profession? A self-vision…what do we want to accomplish? A base of knowledge…what tools will enable us to be effective? Strategic positioning…what will be our career path? Commitment to continuous improvement…how will we grow and advance? And a powerful professional voice…how will we serve the profession? ALA provides an important outlet for our professional voice, those qualities and activities that allow a job to become a career—the teaching, presentations, research and writing, mentoring, working, and serving with colleagues. It is fundamental that we become involved in the communities that we serve, to be out of the library and part of the debates and conversations about our collective future and the social, economic, and political challenges we are facing. ALA has none of the conditions that led to the dissolution of the CLA. Our membership is up. Annual, Midwinter, and divisional conferences are heavily attended and popular. Publishing has stabilized. And we weathered the budget challenges of 2008–12, and have a positive financial position.

4. On conferences, some have argued that face-to-face ALA Midwinter and Annual meetings are not sustainable. What new, affordable, virtual meeting/committee opportunities would you recommend ALA explore?
Christine Lind Hage: Electronic forms of communication are creating new opportunities for people to meet and collaborate around the world. By utilizing current technology, many members who may not be able to travel to conferences can contribute to the work of the association through remote means. Many committees work electronically between conferences and I see no reason not to include ALA members who cannot attend conferences.Several of our divisions have had great success offering webinars or virtual conferences. This is another way to serve our members and to attract new members. In an age when so many of us live online, it’s imperative that ALA expand its use of electronic communication. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: I believe that expanding participation through digital technologies is imperative for member engagement in ALA. We are fortunate to have such technologies available to us and they are mature enough to be a reliable option for the association. As I wrote in my candidate statement:"I commit to using ALA president funds to support promising exemplars of digital inclusion and to share those practices across the association. ALA policy has been revised to allow the association to conduct its work virtually; however, many of our practices reflect historic reliance on in-person meetings. These practices exclude members who are unable to travel to ALA conferences for financial, health, work, etc. reasons. We can do better.” (An Ethos of Hospitality, #2) "Digitally inclusive practices will enable greater participation in the association across our full membership and, in many cases, also enable ALA to address issues that emerge outside of conference in a more timely manner. I also wrote that:“I believe that ALA must re-examine the long-term viability of holding two conferences each year and the effect of doing so on member engagement and on the ecosystem of division and state chapter conferences. As ALA president, I will bring to the Executive Board a proposal for a task force on the future of ALA conferences to systematically and inclusively consider this topic.” (An Ethos of Hospitality, #4)"I’ve been pleased to receive enthusiastic support for this proposal from ALA members as well as exhibitors and vendors. By working together, we will be able to identify and adopt the most promising and sustainable practices for conferences in order to continue to strengthen our ALA community of practice.
James G. Neal: The ALA Annual conference and Midwinter meeting are sustainable. Attendance is strong, exhibitor and advertising revenue is stable, and member reviews are positive. I recognize that many will not be able to attend both meetings, especially with so many other state, regional, divisional, and national conferences competing for limited personal resources and attention. But the two ALA meetings each year provide members and other library professionals opportunities to join in programs and to convene with colleagues on a regional basis. Getting together to share, to learn, to network, and to socialize is still powerful. It is critical that ALA develop more effective virtual forums for participation and engagement. My campaign statement: ALA must carefully evaluate the purpose, scheduling, and technologies supporting Annual/Midwinter meetings and governance groups. Members should not be shut out of participating in the work and learning of the association if they are not able to be at the meetings in person.

5. Given that privacy and protection of civil liberties is a major concern of ALA’s, what is your take on the nuances of the Apple/FBI/terrorism case?
Christine Lind Hage: I believe it is the association's duty to stand with Apple and to take a strong stand for privacy. Library users often use their personal devices to access library information and general information that they need to succeed in life or to quench their thirst for information. What happened in San Bernardino is horrible and we need to fight against these kinds of attacks. Taking away Americans' rights is not the way to do that and will not prevent terrorism. We need to stand up for privacy on cell phones, on computers, and in library records. We can’t back down on some situations and stand strong on others. This is a case where principle counts. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: Given the twists and turns this case has taken, by the time this Q&A is published, the nuances of the Apple/FBI/terrorism case will likely have evolved! Nonetheless, what I can say with certainty is that I am pleased that ALA has been actively monitoring the case and I am proud of our advocacy for privacy and constitutional freedoms. I think we can anticipate that, regardless of the outcome of this specific case, we will see increasing efforts over the coming years to expand surveillance and erode privacy.Given these circumstances, I have been working to bring attention to privacy and data security issues in libraries, particularly with respect to the third party databases and networked resources that we provide. I was a member of the national advisory committee that oversaw the development of the NISO Consensus Principles on Users’ Digital Privacy in Library, Publisher, and Software-Provider Systems and am now participating in the international Research Data Alliance–NISO Privacy Implications of Research Data Sets Working Group. At my own library, I have been serving on the Privacy Policies Implementation Team, which articulated a set of privacy and data security principles, conducted a thorough review of our policies, and made recommendations for patron and staff training. Later this month I will be speaking on strategies for developing library privacy policies during a NISO Privacy Webinar—Understanding Library Policies. Materials from a 2015 ALA Annual presentation, All the Data: Privacy, Service Quality, and Analytics, which I developed collaboratively with Andrew Asher, are also freely available online. As ALA president, I would proud to speak out on behalf of our commitment to privacy and freedom.
James G. Neal: ALA must oppose the federal court order that requires Apple to develop a new tool to eliminate or bypass the security protections built into its phone software in order to assist the FBI in unlocking encrypted messages as part of a national security investigation. We do not support terrorism or violence, but libraries have for decades aggressively upheld the privacy of library users and all U.S. residents. Civil liberties cannot be sacrificed for political purposes. The ALA Council endorsed at the 2016 Midwinter meeting a Resolution Against Mass Surveillance of the American People, a document that I worked on. I was a strong advocate during the years after the USA PATRIOT Act for libraries to oppose this legislation and resist efforts to gather information about users of libraries. I have served over many years on the board of the Freedom to Read Foundation, and our position is clear and unequivocal: Library users have a fundamental right to privacy and confidentiality, whether they are reading a book, searching a website, or interacting with the library on mobile devices.

6. What will your plans be to engage the library elements of the federal ConnectED initiative and the implementation of ESSA? How will ALA be involved?
Christine Lind Hage: My library is one of the original ConnectedED libraries and we have successfully issued library cards to all of the 15,000 students in our local school district. As a result of our work, our local schools are now able to rely upon some of our electronic databases that they previously had to purchase. We are looking for other opportunities to collaborate, including inviting the high schools to join our automation system.ESSA provides an opportunity for school librarians to compete for funding to expand and support effective school library programming. One of the programs we are working on with our local schools includes the library purchasing of Wi-Fi hotspots that we plan to loan to students in our Title 1 free lunch program. It is our hope that the schools will provide computers to these students for home use with the hotspots. The schools and public library can team up to improve the digital literacy of our low-income students. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: As I mentioned above, the passage of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has created a fantastic opportunity to improve our school libraries. We will need to advocate at the state level, however, in order to ensure that the opportunity becomes a reality. We must work to ensure librarians in every school and inclusion of school libraries in education funding packages and policy frameworks. Our children deserve school libraries and librarians.In a parallel way, ConnectED also offers great opportunities to strengthen libraries and community infrastructure. The ConnectED Library Challenge, with its vision that every school child also has a public library card, is enhancing library services to our communities while also improving the stewardship of collection budgets. The recently announced Open eBooks Initiative also highlights the key roles that school and public libraries play in supporting literacy and providing access to reading materials.I believe that the ALA president must work collaboratively with all of the ALA Divisions and rally the association behind issues for which particular divisions are best suited to provide leadership. The strength of having type-of-library divisions—in this case AASL and PLA—is that we have strong leadership in focused areas. I would seek to support division leaders in their roles while using my position as ALA president to amplify their message.
James G. Neal: In my campaign statement: ALA champions libraries and library professionals working with children and youth as the essential foundation of lifelong learning and student success. In a recent blog post: Do we want students to have lives with a continuing commitment to learning, innovation, and inquiry? Then let’s stop closing our school libraries. Let’s stop cutting the funding for collections and technologies. Let’s stop eliminating professional school librarian and school media staff positions. ALA and the divisions focused on library services to children and youth in school and public library settings have done remarkable work. The advocacy achievements of the School Library Campaign. The IMLS grant to look at the impact of school libraries on student achievement. The opportunities presented by the ConnectED initiative, with its focus on technology and digital content to improve teaching and learning, and the library amendment in the Every Student Achieves Act. These are remarkable opportunities, and as ALA president I will fully commit to work with AASL, ALSC, PLA, and YALSA to translate into funding and action.

7. What would you tell a current LIS student or early career librarian?
Christine Lind Hage: Our libraries are not obsolete; they are not just nice to have; they are essential. You know that and I know that, and together we will aggressively advocate this message to policymakers, stakeholders, funders, and the users that need us. We do transform lives, whether it is helping someone • get a job, • learn a skill, • find the perfect source for a research paper, • make an informed decision, or • discover a great book to read.Welcome to a vital, exciting, and important profession! Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: Working with LIS students and new professionals is one of the joys of being a librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and engaging with GSLIS on our campus.My advice to LIS students and new professionals is to identify people who have the job that you want (or job you just got hired to do!) and connect with them. Doing so enables you to gain a fuller understanding of the nature of the job while also developing your professional network. This is easy to say and it is possibly a bit more difficult to do! I gave practical how-to tips in answering a similar question in an interview with Hack Library School. An additional strategy that I’d like to highlight is peer mentoring. I’ve been very inspired on this topic by Sarah Crissinger, who was my graduate assistant last year when she was doing her LIS degree and who wrote about the power of peer mentoring on ACRLog. While experienced professionals have useful perspectives to share with LIS students and new professionals, discussions with peers are equally valuable for helping make sense of what one is observing and experiencing. I think peer mentoring is an unrecognized asset in professional associations and, as ALA president, I hope to bring attention to its importance and consider how ALA can support and facilitate it.Finally, and extremely pragmatically, I want to make certain that LIS student and early career librarians know about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. So many newer librarians are struggling with crushing student loan payments. While not everyone will qualify for this loan forgiveness program, many will. I hope that ALA-APA will develop strategies for addressing student loan debt in our field more systematically as well.
James G. Neal: Students in LIS programs and early career librarians: You represent the future health and vitality of our profession. You bring fresh ideas and experiences, diverse backgrounds, provocative and challenging issues, and new voices to our professional debates. I have taught classes and courses in LIS programs throughout my career as a librarian, most recently at Pratt and Simmons. I observe that securing a professional assignment, making the successful move from classroom to career, is the most important challenge facing LIS students. I see too many students engaged in extended job searches, compromising on first assignments that don’t utilize their extraordinary expertise and talents, and may not provide exciting and rewarding jobs. We need a healthier library economy, in which librarians are recognized, celebrated and supported. We need new professionals who are well prepared to be successful in their first jobs, and who know how to present themselves effectively in writing and in interview settings. And we need formal mentoring programs that bring together students and working professionals in the field. One of the most important support networks for students and new professionals is the New Members Round Table of ALA, an essential professional home and family.

8. What is the best question anyone has asked you during your campaign, and why?
Christine Lind Hage: The most common question I receive is “Why would you run for the presidency of ALA?” I’m running because I believe in the work our association does. I’m proud of our efforts to meet the informational and recreational reading needs of the millions of people who need and use our libraries. I know that the work we do does transform lives and that what we do is amazing! As a 45-year member of ALA and as a professional librarian, I understand the challenges libraries face and want to work to lead our association. I’m energetic, effective and enthusiastic in my commitment to all kinds of libraries and ALA. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: I think the best question is really the simplest one: “Why do you want to be ALA president?” This question gets to the heart of things.My simple answer is “I want to make a difference and believe that I can.” But, the question calls for more. First, I believe that I’m the right person for what ALA needs in a president at this time. ALA needs is a president who is thinking about the future of the association and where the field will be in 20+ years. We are moving to a more digital future, a more distributed future, and a future that needs the participation of our newer members so that the association has long-term vitality. I have specific action plans that engage these trends and I am energetic, passionate, and committed to ALA. As a life member, I have a long-term commitment to the association.Second, I have a proven track record of leadership though inclusive practices. I led strategic planning in my own library last year and in Association of College and Research Libraries when I was ACRL president in 2010–11. I am very effective in leading large groups of people, who represent a diversity of perspectives, in identifying what they want achieve and strategies for aligning resources in order to do so. My success as Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a result of bringing together stakeholder groups within our distributed library system as well as on campus and across institutions.Finally, the timing is right. I have recently concluded a number of other large projects and I have the support of my library administration to devote the time and effort required to be an effective ALA president.Ultimately, I accepted the nomination to be a candidate for ALA president because I wanted to use my skills and talents to serve libraries and library workers. I believe I can make a difference and hope that ALA members will give me that chance.
James G. Neal: Jim, why don’t you just really retire and get out of the way? Important, because it caused me to step back and think carefully and aggressively about what I want my early retirement years to be. But I am standing for election as ALA president because I am committed to investing my 40-plus years of work in libraries and in service to the profession in the continuing vitality, relevance, and impact of libraries and library professionals of all types. I believe that I have the experience and expertise, the insights and the chutzpah, the commitment and the passion to make a positive if disruptive difference, and to provide the essential leadership.

9. What do you wish the other candidates were talking about/addressing?
Christine Lind Hage: I have no doubt that all of the candidates are committed and qualified to lead ALA. The other two candidates have more experience in the academic library arena, whereas I am the only candidate that has worked in public libraries and with children. I have put more emphasis on service to children, especially our efforts in the area of early literacy. This is a critical niche for libraries, as there is no other institution stepping up to help parents of very young children. Libraries are perfect for partnering with parents to get their children ready to read. We need to expand our work to keep families engaged throughout a child’s school years as well. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: As a candidate for ALA president, one is also standing for election to the position of president of the ALA-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA). I wish I had heard the other candidates discuss the systemic problems that we have in our job market and in workplace conditions. I believe that job availability, wages, benefits, student loan debt, training and development, inclusion, etc., are very important issues for ALA members.For too many LIS graduates, while libraries are their workplaces of choice, jobs are scarce; library workers of all types face low wages and inadequate benefits; retired library workers find their pensions inadequate; and, library administrators find themselves managing staffing reduction processes that are externally imposed.Neither individual students nor individual library workers nor individual libraries can fully address the systemic problems that we are facing. Systematic action is needed. ALA-APA is our vehicle for collectively addressing these problems, securing change, and supporting library workers. I have pledged to be a strong voice for library workers and to seek to grow the influence of ALA-APA. The ALA president must be fully engaged as ALA-APA president and not ignore this important role.
James G. Neal: The candidates standing for ALA president are outstanding. They present different experiences, interests and commitments. I want to participate in wider discussions about information policy and political engagement, about the role of libraries in social and economic issues, and about our professional commitment to diversity and inclusion. These are priorities that will demand our attention and investment.

9. What are you reading?
Christine Lind Hage: Right now I’m reading the ebook version of If You Only Knew, by Kristan Higgins. It is a story of sisters and how they relate to the past, present, and future. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe: I just started reading Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow by Cheryl Knott. It is insightful and eye-opening—as history often is. I also subscribe to a long list of magazines about travel and am always in the middle of multiple issues of National Geographic Traveler, Condé Nast Traveler, AFAR, etc.
James G. Neal: I always have three books going at once—a professional work, a historical or biographical work, and a work of fiction or a classic. Just competed or in process: John Palfrey’s BiblioTech: Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google; Ronald Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton (inspired by the Broadway show); and Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies.

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serious questions

which ala president is going to build a wall? thats what i want to know. i will vote for them.

Posted : Mar 16, 2016 04:32



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