Winners of the Oregon Book Award Are Announced | Book Pulse

The winners of the Oregon Book Award are announced, as are the shortlists for the Tolkien Society Awards for excellence in Tolkien scholarship and fandom. PBS News Hour reports on the librarians fighting attempts to ban books. Plus Page to Screen.

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Awards & Book News







The winners of the Oregon Book Award are announced.

The shortlists for the Tolkien Society Awards are out; they recognize excellence in the fields of Tolkien scholarship and fandom.

PBS News Hour reports on the librarians fighting attempts to ban books.

Page to Screen







April 12

Franklin, based on A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America by Stacy Schiff (Holt Paperbacks). Apple TV+. Reviews | Trailer

The Long Game, based on the novel Mustang Miracle by Humberto G. Garcia. Mucho Mas Releasing. Reviews | Trailer

Stolen, based on the novel by Ann-Helén Laestadius, tr. by Rachel Willson-Broyles (Scribner). Netflix. Reviews | Trailer

Unsinkable: Titanic Untold, based on The Girl on the Carpathia: A Novel of the Titanic by Eileen Enwright Hodgetts. Movies Plus. Reviews | Trailer

April 14

The Sympathizer, based on the novel by Viet Thanh Nguyen. HBO Max. Reviews | Trailer

April 17

Under the Bridge, based on the novel by Rebecca Godfrey. Hulu. Reviews | Trailer


Washington Post reviews A Body Made of Glass: A Cultural History of Hypochondria by Caroline Crampton (Ecco: HarperCollins): “A Body Made of Glass is a product of impressively thorough research, but it is sometimes circuitous and digressive to the point of frenzy”; Ian Fleming: The Complete Man by Nicholas Shakespeare (Harper): “Overall, though, Ian Fleming: The Complete Man is a dazzling, even dizzying achievement, despite that ludicrous-sounding subtitle”; and three books that “trace the intellectual heritage and communal beliefs of Judaism”: To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to God, Israel, and the Jewish People by Noah Feldman (Farrar), The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom To Mend Our Broken Hearts and World by Sharon Brous (Avery), and Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life by Shai Held (Farrar).

NYT reviews four graphic novels: Spiral and Other Stories by Aidan Koch (New York Review Comics), Gleem by Freddy Carrasco (Drawn & Quarterly), Light It, Shoot It by Graham Chaffee (Fantagraphics), and Kaptara, Vol. 2: Universal Truths by Chip Zdarsky & Kagan McLeod (Image).

LitHub rounds up the best-reviewed books of the week.

Briefly Noted

The Guardian has an essay on “sad girl novels” and “the dubious branding of women’s emotive fiction.”

The Millions profiles Percival Everett, author of James (Doubleday; LJ starred review).

LitHub hosts a conversation between George Makari, author of Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia (Norton), and Geoff Dyer, author of The Last Days of Roger Federer: And Other Endings (Farrar).

NYT interviews Deborah Feldman, author of Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots and Exodus, Revisited: My Unorthodox Journey to Berlin.

USA Today shares takeaways and an excerpt from The Rulebreaker: The Life and Times of Barbara Walters by Susan Page (S. & S.).

NYT selects “6 New Books We Recommend This Week” and “Audiobooks to Lull You to Sleep.”

The Guardian highlights five of the best books about siblings.

Publishers Weekly gathers four new books on women in the arts and sciences.

Evan Starka social worker whose books broadened understanding of domestic violence, has died at age 82NYT has an obituary.

Authors on Air

Good Morning America hosts Ruth Chou Simons, author of Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More (Thomas Nelson).

Isabel J Kim’s debut novel Sublimation, which will be published by Tor, will be adapted for TV by UniversalDeadline reports. 

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