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NTIA Announces Availability of $1 Billion in Digital Equity Grant Funding

Minnesota Passes Bill Protecting Access to Library Books

On the Books: Library Legislation 2024 | Censorship

Advocacy Efforts Impact Louisiana Legislative Session

Connecticut Bills Aim to Establish More Favorable Ebook Licensing Terms for Libraries

2024 Election Roundtable: Libraries Defending Democracy, Fighting for Funding, and Educating the Electorate

Criminal Liability Protections for Library Employees Eliminated Under Proposed West Virginia Legislation

Georgia Weighs Loss of LIS Accreditation in Potential Break with ALA

Alabama’s Break with ALA Signals Broader Attack on Library Independence

Rural Libraries Endowment Invests in New Mexico’s Small Communities

EveryLibrary's Election Night 2023 Library Wrap-Up

Texas Book Rating Law Halted by Judge

Amidst Federal Lawsuit, Texas “Book Rating” Law Set to Take Effect this Week

New Mississippi Law Blocks Online Access for Minors in Public Schools and Libraries

Standing Up To the State | Editorial

HB 2789 Ties Illinois Library Funding to Anticensorship

Beyond Book Bans | Censorship

Missouri Budget Defunding Could Cause Rural Libraries To Shorten Hours, Shutter

Connecticut Bill Offers State Grants to “Sanctuary Libraries”

Proposed Missouri Rule Creates Wedge Between Libraries, Secretary of State

FY23 Federal Budget Boosts Funding for Libraries

Politics as Unusual | Editorial

Kentucky Legislature Overrides Beshear’s Veto, Giving Local Political Leaders Control of Public Libraries

Proposed FY23 Federal Budget Boosts IMLS, Cuts IAL; Advocacy Deadline Is Tight

AAP Sues Maryland Over Law Requiring Publishers to License Ebooks to Libraries Under “Reasonable Terms”

California Budget to Increase Library Funding by More than $100 Million

How the American Rescue Plan Act Works for Libraries

Ohio Senate Restores Library Budget

FY22 Federal Budget Request Includes Robust Increases for Libraries, Education

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Includes Billions for IMLS, Higher Ed, E-Rate

Congress’s Omnibus Federal Spending Package Funds IMLS for FY21, No COVID Relief for Libraries

Library Stabilization Fund Act Seeks $2 Billion for Pandemic Losses, Reopening Costs, and More

What the HEROES Act Would Mean for Libraries

IMLS Announces Swift Delivery of CARES Act Funding to COVID-19 Impacted Libraries

ALA Advocates Library Economic Relief for COVID-19 Closures and Recovery

MO Bill Proposes Parental Review Board for “Age-Inappropriate” Material, Legal Penalties for Noncompliance

FY20 Budget Passes Senate, House, Boosts IMLS Funding

ALA Looks at “173 Days of Congress” and What’s Ahead | ALA Annual 2019

Declare Funding Independence | BackTalk

Marrakesh Treaty in Action

Federal Library Authorization Act Signed Into Law

Senate Postpones Vote on Independently Nominated Copyright Head

ACRL, ALA, ARL and Education Organizations File Amicus Brief in Support of Net Neutrality

Congressional Think Tank Catches Flak Over Public Access Plans

Artist, Senator Propose $50M Endowment for Rural NM Libraries

Oregon Governor Fires State Librarian

Federal Budget Compromise Keeps—and Boosts—IMLS Funding

Net Neutrality Concerns Spark Criticism of ALA Madison Award Pick

Marrakesh Treaty Bill Introduced

Save Government Information! | Peer to Peer Review

Compass Reading: IMLS’s 2018–22 Strategic Plan Sets a New Tone | Editorial

Museum and Library Services Act of 2017 Introduced in Senate

Kansas City Public Library Raises Minimum Wage for Employees

ALA Launches Policy Corps

House Approves IMLS, LSTA, IAL Funding for FY18

GPO Requests Recommendations to Update Federal Deposit Library Rules

OITP’s Report from the Swamp | ALA Annual 2017

Q&A with Kathi Kromer, ALA Washington Office Associate Executive Director

New Bills Would Let President, not Librarian of Congress, Name Copyright Register

Open Carry in Play for Nevada Libraries

The Politics of Being a Trustee

EU Court: Treat Ebooks like Print Books

The Right to Link is Challenged Under EU Law

Why LC Should Drop Illegal Aliens | BackTalk

MA Center for the Book Complete Funding Loss Reversed

Library of Congress Drops Illegal Alien Subject Heading, Provokes Backlash Legislation

North Carolina Librarians, Library Associations React to HB2

Defending Inclusion | Editorial

Library Advocates Fend off Kansas Legislative Threat

Wisconsin Law Validates Library Use of Collection Agencies

Bill in MI Would Limit Info to Voters; Librarians Protest

A Win for All: With ESSA, Libraries Make Solid Gains | Editorial

MO 2016 Budget Drops Aid to Libraries Almost 80 Percent

Library Associations Spearhead New Copyright Coalition

Illinois Internet Screening in Public Libraries Act Meets with Opposition

ALA, ARL Applaud FCC Vote on Net Neutrality

Susan Hildreth on Life After IMLS

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit by Removed QL Trustees Who Sought Reinstatement

AB 609: California Leads on Open Access to Publicly Funded Research

New Proposed Legislation Requires Public Disclosure for New York City Libraries

Court Reverses Ruling on Publishers vs. Georgia State E-Reserve Case

Collective Impact | Q&A with Susan H. Hildreth

Queens Library CEO Galante Placed on Administrative Leave

State Tweak to Seed Library Rules Ignites Debate

NYC Mayor Appoints First Replacement for Dismissed Queens Trustees

SC Libraries Seek To Override Trespass Bill Veto

Coasters Speak Louder Than Words | One Cool Thing

KY Legislature Won’t Fix Library Funding

Ryan’s Proposed 2015 Budget Would Eliminate IMLS

Where the President’s Budget Would Leave Libraries

FCC Takes Another Swing at Net Neutrality While Netflix Agrees To Pay for Faster Streaming

A Gift from the U.S. Congress to the People of America | Advocate’s Corner

Making FERPA Fit When We Flip | Peer to Peer Review

IMLS, NARA, and Library Of Congress Closed During Government Shutdown

Reed Adds Library Amendment to Immigration Bill

What Governmental Big Data May Mean For Libraries

The Downside of Being Universally Liked | Advocate's Corner

California Open Access Bill Clears Committee

Sequestration and the New Reality for the Federal Budget Process | Advocate’s Corner

Working the Halls of a Typical State Legislature | Advocate's Corner


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