Dual Memory

Dreamscape Media. May 2023. 13:06 hrs. ISBN 9781666633511. $17.99. SF
Burke (Immunity Index) writes a timely novel that explores both artificial intelligence and the ethics of neutrality. Attempted rebel Antonio Moro finds himself on the island nation of Thule, where the Sovereign Practitioners Association of doctors practices extreme empathy and generosity. Moro’s distrustful nature proves correct when it becomes apparent that the Sovereign Practitioners’ philosophy leaves their society open to manipulation and abuse, even as it provides Moro the freedom to pursue his art. After he meets a sentient AI named Par Augustus, Moro realizes he can instigate change while also recognizing that an entire culture of encoded beings with desires of their own exists alongside humankind. André Santana narrates Moro with a melancholy tone through much of the novel, dolefully filling listeners’ ears with his perspective born of self-isolation and trauma. Par’s voice is a stark contrast, conveyed with the perfect amount of curiosity and innocence to make its powerful manipulations both alarming and heroic. Santana’s decision to give Par a chipper voice in contrast to the artificially monotone voices of the nonsentient AIs is genius.
VERDICT Socially conscious near-future, science fiction for listeners interested in the politics of individuality.
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