16 Articles

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The Law of Presidential Impeachment: A Guide for the Engaged Citizen

A clear and comprehensive primer about the culture and values required to operate constitutional government as the country’s founders intended. This is, indeed, an imperative read for engaged citizens.

Good Eats: 32 Writers on Eating Ethically

This collection will entertain and enlighten readers interested in food writing, environmental issues, and BIPOC experiences.

Law Democratized: A Blueprint for Solving the Justice Crisis

Measurably advances the conversation about ways to meet people’s legal needs. This narrative demands the attention of readers interested in making the legal system work for everyone, regardless of their resources.

Normporn: Queer Viewers and the TV That Soothes Us

A complex study, in content and in presentation. Those who take the time to read in depth will be rewarded with meticulous analyses and perceptive insights that have universal relevance.

The End of Family Court: How Abolishing the Court Brings Justice to Children and Families

Professionals and general readers will appreciate this incisive review by a juvenile-court expert. Readers wanting to hear from the system’s victims can pair it with Rikers: An Oral History by Graham Rayman and Reuven Blau.

Christian Nationalism and the Birth of the War on Drugs

This groundbreaking work will be appreciated particularly by scholars, but those with an interest in history or Christian history will likely find it engaging as well.

Jewish Sunday Schools: Teaching Religion in Nineteenth-Century America

This title offers a window into the formation of the American Jewish community. A very well-researched book of interest to anyone who ever attended or sent their child to a Jewish Sunday school.

Motherhood on Ice: The Mating Gap and Why Women Freeze Their Eggs

There are limitations to this study, and the scholarly nature of the text may not be accessible to all readers. Nonetheless, Inhorn provides a provocative inquiry into a contemporary subject of interest to many.

Symbols of Freedom: Slavery and Resistance Before the Civil War

In an era where many people in the U.S are protesting racism, this book is important reading for audiences of all levels to gain an understanding of past symbols of freedom and resistance and a way of looking forward.

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