V, Ram

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A stirringly soulful action extravaganza, sure to enthrall fans of gundam or military anime and manga, as well as those interested in science fiction with complex characterization and probing questions about human nature.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr

A passionate and refreshingly unsentimental fable that suggests every aspect of the human experience is vital and worthy of celebration.

Rethinking Competitive Advantage: New Rules for the Digital Age

This book is aimed at managers trying to understand how to transform from traditional to digital businesses.

Grafity’s Wall: Expanded Edition

Illustrator Radhakrishnan heaps images and faces together in a disorienting, dynamic jumble to capture the fast-paced hustle and bustle of life in Mumbai, and author V’s (These Savage Shores. Vol. 1) skillfully develops endearing characters and slyly, eschewing melodrama, establishes how economic inequality oppresses them all.

Polishing the Mirror: How To Live from Your Spiritual Heart

Ram Dass has an assured following, but his fluent thought and persuasive writing may well appeal to a broad new readership of spiritual seekers as well.

Global Tilt: Leading Your Business Through the Great Economic Power Shift

This work will be of value to anyone involved in international investing and all university libraries supporting a business curriculum. ["Stories of how Fortune 500 companies are adapting to new markets give the reader some footing; otherwise, an unusually dense text discerning global trends in the marketplace," read the review of the Crown Business hc, LJ Xpress Reviews, 2/1/13.—Ed.]

Global Tilt: Mastering the Inevitable Shift of Economic Power

Stories of how Fortune 500 companies are adapting to new markets gives the reader some footing; otherwise, an unusually dense text discerning global trends in the marketplace.

Be Love Now

Essential for Dass fans, this book is also of interest to students of contemporary Hinduism.

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