Smith, Lee

60 Articles

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Common Circuits: Hacking Alternative Technological Futures

A valuable resource for readers interested in the sociology of contemporary, global, noncorporate computing and electronics culture.


Good Nature: Why Seeing, Smelling, Hearing, and Touching Plants Is Good for Our Health

Readers don’t have to know anything about plants or have a green thumb to enjoy this title about nature therapy and the impact it can have on one’s health. City planners and public health policy makers can benefit from reading this book as well.

Analog Superpowers: How Twentieth-Century Technology Theft Built the National Security State

Hard-core military historians and tech law aficionados will appreciate this thoroughly researched book.

Frog Day: A Story of 24 Hours and 24 Amphibian Lives

Biology students and armchair travelers alike will enjoy this chance to explore the remarkably varied ecology of frogs and toads.

The Network of Life: A New View of Evolution

A perspective-shifting reconceptualization of evolution for science enthusiasts who want to keep up with current biomedical and environmental scientific theories.


This compact volume nicely covers the past, present, and future of sloths for readers who have fallen in love with them based on popular culture depictions.

The Story of Earth’s Climate in 25 Discoveries: How Scientists Found the Connections Between Climate and Life

Adult readers seeking grounded scientific arguments about current climate change will appreciate this big-picture view of the history of Earth’s ecosystems and how present circumstances may herald another tipping point.

Spin: How the World (and Almost Everything in It) Turns

An accessible and rewarding exploration of the physics of circular motion in everyday life.

Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History

Historians and biologists will enjoy this thoughtful history of how the animal kingdom was mapped out and how people are still discovering their place within it.

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