Ron Block

51 Articles

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Fat + Flour: The Art of a Simple Bake

This tasty and approachable entry into baking will instill confidence and success. Readers will delight in finding this treasure to take home and get started.


Salsa Daddy: Dip Your Way into Mexican Cooking

A solid volume featuring an expansive take on Mexican cooking, with stunning photographs. A good addition for all collections and one that will stand the test of time.


Dinner: 120 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes for the Most Important Meal of the Day [American Measurements]

An inspiring and motivating cookbook that would be a great addition to extensive collections.


America’s Most Iconic Ice Creams: A Salt and Straw Cookbook

A straightforward cookbook that will delight, surprise, and inspire.

The Choi of Cooking: Flavor-Packed, Rule-Breaking Recipes for a Delicious Life

A sensible and approachable collection that encourages healthier eating and makes home cooks feel like they have a mentor showing them the way.


Salt Sugar MSG: Recipes and Stories from a Cantonese American Home

A beautiful work that adds another layer to the growing realm of global cuisine cookbooks.

Ghana to the World: Recipes and Stories That Look Forward While Honoring the Past

An important and thoughtful exploration of the West African culinary diaspora.

The Contemporary African Kitchen: Home Cooking Recipes from the Leading Chefs of Africa

This is a critical work that elevates African cuisine, people, and connection to the global foodways. Highly recommended for all libraries.

Family Style: Elegant Everyday Recipes Inspired by Home and Heritage

A welcome addition to any collection.

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