Randall M. Miller

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Read-Alikes for ‘The Demon of Unrest’ by Erik Larson | LibraryReads


Benjamin Franklin Butler: A Noisy, Fearless Life

Leonard sets the record straight on Butler and provides an object lesson on the ways his personality and principles combined to effect public good.

Of Blood and Sweat: Black Lives and the Making of White Power and Wealth

Ford’s forceful arguments and writing will compel readers to face the facts of the long history of exploitation and appropriation that have defined so much of America’s struggle with itself to give substance and meaning to its promise of “freedom” for all.

To Walk About in Freedom: The Long Emancipation of Priscilla Joyner

Emberton’s sensitive and sympathetic recovery of Joyner’s story speaks volumes on what freedom meant and might mean, and why the best way to know a person is to listen to and learn from the stories they choose to tell.

Lincoln and the Fight for Peace

Avlon sometimes strains to make Lincoln’s Civil War–era approach to peace applicable to world wars, and relies too much on post-assassination memoirs for his Lincoln tales, but he does make the case that to win a war one must also know how to win the peace and invest in doing so.

A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House

An original and revealing book on a subject heretofore surprisingly missing from the large Lincoln literature.

His Greatest Speeches: How Lincoln Moved the Nation

An essential work on the purpose, poetry, and power of Lincoln’s words.

Salmon P. Chase: Lincoln's Vital Rival

Strongly recommended for university and large public libraries, for readers learning the dynamics of abolitionist politics and the inner workings of government and the courts during the Civil War era.


To Address You as My Friend: African Americans’ Letters to Abraham Lincoln

These letters provide telling examples of the ways that Black Americans, free and enslaved, proactively and persistently sought liberty by word and deed and laid claim to the rights and responsibilities of citizenship: a truth as pertinent and pressing in the 21st century as during Lincoln’s day.

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