Nayler, Ray

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Where the Axe Is Buried

Thought-provoking in the extreme, Nayler’s (The Tusks of Extinction) sci-fi cyberthriller will trap fans of technothrillers in its web.

The Tusks of Extinction

This novel is made for fans of character-driven ecofiction like Lee Mandelo’s Feed Them Silence and Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower.

The Tusks of Extinction

Nayler’s (The Mountain in the Sea) compelling sci-fi thriller contemplates human greed and de-extinction through science. Highly recommended for readers of ecoterrorism thrillers and climate fiction.

The Mountain in the Sea

This slow-burning novel strikes a balance between hard- and soft-speculative fiction without being too heady or obtuse and would be a sound addition to any library’s collection.

The Mountain in the Sea

Drawing on decades of experience in overseas service (including time with the United States Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), Nayler infuses his debut novel with fantastic elements grounded in real contemporary topics and tackles moral issues related to artificial and animal intelligence without sacrificing plot or pacing. This is a classic sci-fi thriller that’s easy to read and will have broad appeal for fans of speculative fiction.

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