Ha, Robin

254 Articles

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Outdoor Gourmet: Recipes To Bring Your Love of Good Food to the Campsite, the Backyard, and Beyond

Campers will be happy to find Donovan’s helpful cookbook in their backpack, given that Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson’s excellent The Campout Cookbook may be hard to source, and Emily Vikre’s New Camp Cookbook on the Trail primarily focuses on making packable, pre-prepped treats and meals.

The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World

A sweet meditation and call to action that’s enhanced by Kimmerer’s characteristically clear and evocative prose. For good neighbors and gift givers everywhere.

The Sea Eternal

Robin writes another queer space opera (a sequel to The Stars Undying) that showcases complex characters inspired by ancient history and set in the stars. This science-fiction interpretation of Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s relationship is woven together in a tight plot of false gods, technology, and legacy.


Sloan’s work is sure to be well received by a wide audience of fantasy and science-fiction readers for its delicate balance of rich, original worldbuilding and intentional dalliances with genre tropes.

The Fever Syndrome

A somewhat overlong drama exploring the intersections of function and dysfunction, as seen through the lenses of illness and family. Recommended broadly for those who enjoy intense dramas and plays centered on family dynamics.

Tea with Elephants

Both poignant and fun, Gunn (“Sisterchicks” series) delivers a story that is like a warm hug from a good friend in this first installment of the “Suitcase Sisters” series. It is refreshing to see a new trend in Christian fiction focused on friendship and seasoned marriage rather than solely early romance and dating.


A Wild and Heavenly Place

While the plot doesn’t offer surprises, Oliveira’s (The Winter Sisters) latest novel provides an interesting glimpse into the lives of Scottish settlers in Seattle and Washington Territory in the 1880s.

Nan and the Lower Body

Engagingly performed by a full cast, this energetically written play speaks to the comedy and drama underlying women’s most intimate organs and the relationships they inevitably affect. A strong choice for audio drama fans, with appeal for those interested in women-centered stories.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

A unique Christie classic is given its due thanks to the engaging talents of veteran radio actor Jones. Broadly recommended and a must-listen for fans of Christie, detective fiction, English manor house mysteries, and Jones’s earlier audio work.

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