Charles Stross

6 Articles

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The Delirium Brief

Those who enjoyed the combination of bureaucracy and espionage of Daniel O'Malley's The Rook should give this series a try.

Empire Games

With this series launch, Stross draws on the world of his "Merchant Princes" series and its paratime travelers. Contemporary power plays mixed with historical notes make for an entertaining, action-filled start to this trilogy.

Neptune's Brood: A Space Opera

The author of Singularity Sky continues to push the envelope of imagination with his bold plots and far-seeing vision. This follow-up to Saturn's Children should appeal to Stross's fans as well as to readers who appreciate cutting-edge sf.

The Rapture of the Nerds

While the cultural references fly fast and furious and the doublespeak is not for the uninitiated, the creativity, hilarity, and sheer verve of the comic conundrums will win over the staunchest technophobe. Consider this adventure of multiple dimensions a backdoor into a post-technological singularity world, which will appeal to Doctorow's (Little Brother) and Stross's (Singularity Sky) many fans.

Rule 34

Stross (Singularity Sky) draws on tomorrow's technologies to create a story that features intriguingly offbeat characters and a labyrinthine puzzle of a plot. Fans of modern cyber-fi literature as well as technological thrillers should enjoy this thinking person's sf adventure.

The Fuller Memorandum

Like Jim Butcher's "Dresden Files," this series could prove popular among fans of urban and occult fantasy.

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