Steve Dixon

63 Articles

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Trippy: The Peril and Promise of Medicinal Psychedelics

This title about utilizing medicinal psychedelics in the treatment plans of some conditions could easily have future public policy implications worldwide. The subject matter will be of interest to many readers.

Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness Is and How To Expand It

Easily the most current, thorough, and helpful exploration of consciousness available. Koch’s light, simple, yet authoritative writing style will appeal to general audiences as well as scientists and researchers. An essential, highly recommended purchase.

Perfect Eloquence: An Appreciation of Vin Scully

A wonderful and long-overdue tribute to a man whom many consider the best sports broadcaster who ever lived.

Under Jackie’s Shadow: Voices of Black Minor Leaguers Baseball Left Behind

This is a powerful work that shouldn’t be missed. While it focuses mostly on lesser-known aspects of the culture of Minor League Baseball, it could become a referendum on the state of racism in the United States today. Highly recommended.

Shadows of Glory: Memorable and Offbeat World Series Stories

A baseball fan’s delight that will add insight and meaning to readers’ knowledge of the game. This engaging book may even bring the thrill of baseball to casual fans.

The Well-Connected Animal: Social Networks and the Wondrous Complexity of Animal Societies

This fascinating, easy-to-read work describes the how, what, and why of animal behavior, much of which is remarkably similar to humans. A must-purchase, this book presents what is easily the most intriguing, thorough explanation of animal behavior ever produced.

Wild Chorus: Finding Harmony with Whales, Wolves, and Other Animals

At first glance, this book seems like a plea from an activist, but it’s far more than that. Peterson’s writing style and her intimately told stories about how animals and people can jointly navigate the planet have the ability to draw readers in and leave them with hope about the future of the world.

Baseball Heaven: Up Close and Personal, What It Was Really Like in the Major Leagues

A wonderfully distinctive and intriguing baseball history with something of a New York bent. With its personal feel and near-mystical quality, this highly recommended work will mesmerize baseball lovers and casual fans.

The Burden of Sports: How and Why Athletes Struggle with Mental Health

It would be hard to find a current work in this area more thorough and complete than Parry’s. Timely and important, this title has the potential to change the sports industry worldwide. Highly recommended for libraries that have a sports emphasis.

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