Impostor Syndrome

Saga: S. & S. (Arcadia Project, Bk. 3). Mar. 2018. 480p. ISBN 9781481480185. pap. $15.99; ebk. ISBN 9781481451956. FANTASY
Millie is not a hero, nor is she really a leader, but she has to take charge after her partner Tjuan is targeted in the first shot of a brewing civil war. The dispute pits two U.S. Arcadia Project offices in Los Angeles and New Orleans against the London branch after they denounce the Project's leader, Dame Belinda Barker, for an atrocity she had committed. Millie knows the only way to sever Dame Belinda's power is to go to London and set up a heist that will either defeat the powerful head of the Arcadia Project, or possibly destroy the project. Millie's mental health issues are once again handled deftly, revealing a flawed protagonist pretending to know what she's doing in a magically charged landscape.
VERDICT Mixing humor with serious action, the final volume of Baker's trilogy (Borderline; Phantom Pains) wraps up a layered story line with a satisfying imperfect ending.
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