New World Library

17 Articles

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What Is Stoicism?: A Brief and Accessible Overview

This concise, accessible work focuses solely on Stoicism, not other theories or philosophies, but it can easily be read in one sitting. It makes Stoicism understandable, corrects stereotypes, and rescues it from social media banalities.


Walking Well: A New Approach for Comfort, Vitality, and Inspiration in Every Step

This book will delight readers seeking spiritual and emotional guidance for walking with health, happiness, and other benefits in mind.

Feel, Heal, and Let That Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Resilience and Lasting Self-Love

Highly recommended for readers interested in active self-care.

The Beginner’s Guide to Karma: How To Live with Less Negativity and More Peace

Readers seeking an elementary understanding of Karma will benefit from this book.

Written in the Stars: The Astrology of Soulmate, Karmic, and Twin Flame Relationships

Readers seeking love advice and who have at least intermediate knowledge of astrology will find novel interpretations and help for their romantic woes.

Food and Freedom: Discover Your Personal Recipe To Eat, Think, and Live Well

An excellent supplemental title for collections on wellness, both mental and physical.

Welcoming Your Puppy from Planet Dog: How To Go Beyond Training and Raise Your Best Friend

With ample advice on everything from vet visits to nail trimming, as well as recommendations for toys, supplies, and additional training resources, Callahan’s book is an excellent guide that puts puppy welfare front and center.

Untapped Magic: Manifestation Methods for Living a Limitless Life

A solid title for those interested in self-help, life coaching, success building, and motivational exercises.

Barking Up the Right Tree: The Science and Practice of Positive Dog Training

A worthwhile, easy guide that will offer readers aid and entertainment.

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