Avon Impulse

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The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows

Once again, Waite (The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics) offers up a tale of women falling in love within a richly realized world of relationships and responsibilities, including ties to a constellation of queer people living and loving in the fissures of social convention.

A Little Light Mischief

Sebastian crafts another enormously fun, sexy romp that is also touching, with two heroines who make each other better together than they were alone. This latest entry in the “Turner” series (after The Ruin of a Rake) stands on its own and will make readers wish for more about the winsome duo. Highly recommended.

The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics

Waite (A Thief in the Nude) delivers a sweet lesbian romance with a hint of spice, fitting into the decorum of the era. Recommended for libraries where LGBT historical romance is popular.

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