Rebecca Brody

64 Articles

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Facial Expressions for Artists: Techniques for Capturing Emotion and Mood in Portrait and Character Drawings

Artists looking to increase the realism and emotional content of their portraiture will find plenty of food for thought in this accessible volume.

10 Step Drawing: Figures; Draw Over 50 Poses in 10 Easy Steps

Like paint-by-numbers but for drawing figures, this book will be helpful for budding cartoonists and those who want to draw people without a lot of instruction on technique.

elseship: an unrequited affair

A surprising and at times lyrical meditation that strives to grasp the meaning of a relationship that is not quite a friendship nor a love affair but something else. Confessional and ambitious, this memoir will engage readers with its visceral recreation of the experience of unrequited love.

Trans Femme Futures: An Abolitionist Ethic for Transfeminist Worlds

A powerful call to action for readers who seek to understand transfeminism or to participate in broader LGBTQIA+ liberation movements.

The Five Ranks of Zen: Tozan’s Path of Being, Nonbeing, and Compassion

This is an advanced text that will be of interest to readers with an active Zen practice or a solid understanding of basic Zen principles and historical figures. It makes a strong addition to collections.

Debt Free Art Degree: Foundations in Drawing

An accessible guide for budding artists that shows how drawing figures and animation are interlinked. This volume opens up the experience of figure-drawing to an audience that may not have the opportunity to attend live classes.

A Whisper of Cardamom: 80 Sweetly Spiced Recipes To Fall in Love With

This is an excellent book for readers interested in expanding their understanding of how spices can be used to flavor and complement a variety of foods, as well as for budding chefs with an adventurous sweet tooth.

Well Worn: Visible Mending for the Clothes You Love

A solid how-to manual for mending techniques.

Sesame, Soy, Spice: 90 Asian-ish Vegan and Gluten-Free Recipes To Reconnect, Root, and Restore

This is a wide-ranging and clearly written foray into the world of Asian-influenced vegan cuisine. An excellent addition for readers interested in plant-based meals.

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