Jennifer M. Miller

14 Articles

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The Free-Market Family: How the Market Crushed the American Dream (and How It Can Be Restored)

Covering similar economic themes as those in Jacob S. Hacker’s The Great Risk Shift but in a more personal and maternal voice, this work is likely to resonate most with readers interested in the case for profamily social policy.

Antidemocracy in America: Truth, Power, and the Republic at Risk

Recommended for readers seeking a critique of the Trump administration from multiple progressive liberal perspectives based on public policy themes rather than celebrity scandals or legal challenges

Windfall: How the New Energy Abundance Upends Global Politics and Strengthens America's Power

Recommended with reservations for readers interested in how global energy markets shaped the U.S. political context in 2016.

American Amnesia: How the War on Government Led Us To Forget What Made America Prosper

Recommended as a well-documented but partisan account for readers interested in the influence of politics on the U.S. economy.

Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It

This book will interest readers concerned about money in politics during the 2016 election cycle but may not have lasting appeal.

Thrive: How Better Mental Health Care Transforms Lives and Saves Money

Recommended for readers interested in mental health and health policy.

The Globalization of Inequality

Recommended for readers seeking a brief, less technical introduction to economic inequality within and among nations.

The Age of Sustainable Development

A synthesis and update of Sachs's work that also serves as an excellent comprehensive introduction. Recommended.

American Insecurity: Why Our Economic Fears Lead to Political Inaction

Readers engaged in political activism around economic issues and those interested in political rhetoric will find this work appealing.

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